you cant stop me
but jester bad
ah the “you are automatically scum if you claim this” class
I wanted to have better daily potions that were actually weekly now that I think about it
I know its probably not in this game okay
i like jester, you can be a dick and then say its your objective
plaguebearer is the best class and i will duel anyone who says otherwise to the death
pirate best class
the best class is math class
Maybe we should start a ToS discussion thread instead of doing this here.
this man is absolutely correct
i had two back to back jester win games
one where i was werewolf and then mutual killed the sk as i suicided because we gave jester the win
and then one where i was jester and killed the arsonist right as they killed LITERALLY EVERYONE
Open for my experience during TOS
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at least its not jailor dead n1 meme
Instead it’s Jailor shot by Vigilante n2.
I like randing exe tbh
i have a ton of exe scrolls