[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

alice explain this to me but do it like i’m three

Backing up here it’s a reference to my role in my first ToS game here, which is the Tracker.

Alright I’m not catching up on 2000 posts in a tos game.
Not happening.

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You’re a fucking retard. I’m an actual fucking TI and I fakeclaimed Vet BECAUSE I was trying to claim-swap.

and you expected the actual vet to figure this out how?

Alice there’s no need to use the r word.

r word

Alice see Mayor claimed d1 for no reason.
Alice know Alice free kill as TP on Mayor, since Alice is TI then this bad.
Alice then claim Vet to dissuade NKs on her.
Marshal dumb, so Marshal push Alice as he no know how to FM good.
Alice claim as everyone here no know how to FM good so they understand.

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I’m just fucking pissed as Marshal’s play’s just fucking idiotic here.

Claimswapping with PRs is a fucking common strat and he’s fucking tunneling me just because of this.

when she claimed veteran i thought she was a protective FPSing

this also makes sense

thats another hardclaim folks, lets see how high up the counter can go

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So Marshal and Alice both claim Veteran. Is that correct?

okay so i’m lost
you’re claiming protective, or invest?

i’ve never once heard of it as a strat

neither has like i’d bet 95% of the people here.

if you are somehow town you should have known better

Alice I understand this game may become very infuriating at times, we all get that. Just try to also vent that anger in another way that doesn’t cause a commotion. Like listening to music or playing another game. Being angry isn’t healthy too, it really hurts people’s mental state and cause them to do things that may be detrimental. Your anger is valid, but lets also have fun and remember this is a game. And besides, I am sure with someone that is as intelligent as you are, like formulating that plan I personally can’t even pull off stuff like that even if I used all my brain cells, can get over these misunderstandings.

We are all here to have fun and play detective while using the power of science and polar bears to defeat the mafia. So lets all be happy and solve this game like the big and cool community you all are :smiley:

real talk, alices strat makes sense

You can thank Marshal for not know how to fucking play as a PGO.

I’m a Tracker. I claimed Veteran as a way to protect myself since I’m a PR and even if I don’t claim I’m an obvious NK target.


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the sound of one million internal conflicts

See how Nap and I did it in Poisonous.
I CC’d Eevee after Dat redcheck him in order to cover for Napoleon.