[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Yeah this game has been chaotic and I’m sorry I was part of the problem. Though people can change.

laughs in Spanish.

I did but right now i want to re-evaluate and re-organize my reads as this day was veery interesting.
As for questions, this is simply me determining whenever my reads are correct or not.

Right now, it’s a night where i’m so tommorow morning it should be done.


So whenever you have any question or not don’t ask now as i won’t be able answer immediately.
I wish you guys good night and happy hunting.

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ight reads

Marshal(scum doesn’t cc vet here. especially not scum that wants to live through wazza. I could see like shade/phantom doing it but that’s about it, and ive been TR/TL’ing this slot well before that)
PKR(most accusations leveled against them are weak and i get v pings. oddly gone only after what he knows what a thunderdome is, though it could be chance)
Magnus(way too little posts to TR but I do like the very few things posted today)
EVO(in magnus’ boat, I like their posts but just too few of em)
katze(sheeping marshal to an extent here, the more deduction and less memeing after the start felt good, but im connecting this to their scorned game, which isn’t town but isn’t group scum either)
TwiL1ght(asking for reads, has some solid opinions of their own and actually argued with the post i townleaned them in which was towny. However not giving reads.)
gorta(feels like a legit claim slip, made one scummy post then stuck by it and was bold enough)
Italy(consistent memeing seems natural, but this is barely out of null/PoE. Want to see how he develops)

null until further notice:(explanations are individual)
Wazza(wild card, might warrant looking at his other games)
Universal(like posts, but until I see their ISO’s I likely wont be sold)
oB_L1ght(I need to ISO skim/analyze this, but did give reads)
N.1(specifically setup for to do big things, if I don’t see them, I don’t want to see him)

PoE(don’t fall into the other category, so they fall into this one. I wont be explaining these reads. If you want elaboration, ask me. but the general answer is that they don’t fall under the other categories.)

I acknowledge im misclearing people in my current state, due to the small size of my PoE. I do intend to re-eval within d1. Additionally, don’t consider null until further notice the in-between of PoE and townlean, but rather a variable.

I gotta go now, if anybody’s got something to say, ill reply to it when I get back in about 2 hours.

So the existence of Vet!Wazza makes Marshal town in your eyes, but Wazza is a nullread for you?

wazza is a vigi claim not a vet claim

I made a typo.

ok but do u still stand by ur point

Yeah I stand by it.

the problem is the only way that I’d be scum here is if I was executioner. Nobody else would have known alice was bullshitting. Only vet or exe with alice as target.

And if I am exe here I’d be basically staking a 50/50 chance that a vet didn’t spawn.
Which personally I wouldn’t do but I guess y’all have nothing but my word

I guess I did yoloclaim in BoTF2 but the risk there was just my death, not an instant loss for me

I definitely would do that in that position.
In tos, often as Executioner I claim transporter, who got the stop hitting yourself achievement with myself and my target. It always works.

Would it be better to wait and let your target go in towncore?

I could have socially prevented alice from towncore If i wanted to

and in fact I added her to mine originally, which is the exact opposite of an exe play

like what do you think I was planning? Townlean my exe target as exe and then not have a social standing to actually push them because it would show a lack of progression?

That is actually a decent idea.

I see three possibilities here, of varying likeliness.

It’s T/T, where Marshal and Alice are both town. Very likely.
T/C, which is also likely.
C/C is the unlikeliest, but is very possible.

I’m pretty sure that it’s a T/T as wolves, even W!Marshal, wouldn’t go balls deep like this.


Also Exe hunting here is dumb considering that it’s only a 50-50 chance of them rolling.

it isn’t much of a hunt though, is it?

they’ve already claimed :sunglasses:

I mean, if there was a Phantom in game, the smart thing would be to side with town.
So yeah. We’re exe hunting.