[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

That’s basically my entire point for the FPS. It was fucking idiotic for Marshal to CC me as I’d then would have gotten 3-4 guaranteed tracks and we’d be able to have a fair amount of potential green/redchecks here.

regardless on how you feel on marshals play

can you tone your attitude towards him down a little bit

it’s unnecessary, what’s done is done

Thinking about what I’d do here, and it’s probably right.

Current site meta is basically paranoia against powerwolfing despite the fact that wolves here more often than not spend much of their time safely in the sidelines. Trying to ML your target d1 will probably end up backfiring here.

Sorry, but it can’t be helped. I’m still fucking pissed. I’m basically guaranteed to get NK’d tonight or next as protectives will obviously be on CRich.

You don’t auto-CC people like this in FM.

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Also, I’m fucking pissed as the sheer idiocy and double-standard on this site. Marshal, Eevee, FK, Kyo, Emilia, and others can FPS however and whatever they want, but when I do it there’s immediate suspicion on me for it despite that I’m known to FPS a lot.

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Also, at least my FPS has an actual reasoning behind it meanwhile others just FPS for the sake of FPSing.

Know that this is a tos game, so players were probably expecting low-level strategy.

Just saying.

To be fair, one of the main reasons some people suspected you was because they took your d1 Jailor claim seriously, so I shouldn’t have overestimated the skill of the average player here.


Alice if ur somehow town here you definitely should have realized a CC was coming

No way would I have been able to pick up that I was supposed to claim specifically invest and I knew that most vets would have claimed there anyways

Like Mayor claimed d1 and you expected everyone to just bigbrain this in a game without set certain PRs?

Just let you do a vet claim for 4 days and do what… fake invest results? like ???

In an open setup I might get it but here thats kinda baffling

And I don’t beleive you seriously expected anyone to be able to pick up on that and keep it up for a while

Why didn’t you just not claim and let potential protectives use WiFoM

I don’t think you seriously expected what you were doing to work

which is why I think the world where it’s just scum alice dodging invests / baiting out vet is waaaaaaaaay more likely

part of me believes her because i read the FPS as having almost the exact motivation it had when she first did it (and i expressed it in thread, although i never mentioned her being a PR, just a cit, this was on purpose)

and because i feel like if she was fakeclaiming TI the real one would come out because this site feels a huge desire to massclaim at all costs, despite logic discouraging it

but part of me also knows that none of this is unfakable as scum and there isn’t an absence of scum motivation to do so

scum marshal, especially scum marshal that knows wazza isn’t one of them, would fear wazza yes. Scum marshal with wazza as team I still don’t think would do this

because wazza’s gun is literally just a phase slower then lynching marshal, and marshal would probably know that he’s likely the next days lynch if he does this

I don’t think marshal is scum here.


she was the first to defend gorta, and has the vote on N.1. while admittedly not a lot, it was enough given the lack of activity(from the time i made the wallpost, which is where the read came from)


Once, again, I see coven calling their teammates executioners to clear them of being coven, so watch for that

Because I didn’t think that a Vet even rolled.

My thoughts were that since I’m a PR then there’s no issue regarding claiming a RT slot. Even then I’d imagine that the Vet would be knowledgeable enough to know what I’m doing.

Wolves don’t fucking claim unique roles d1 as that’s basically going to get them CC’d and lynched, and the only reason I haven’t been lynched yet is because I am the actual TI.

Again, I didn’t bank on Vet either rolling or the actual Vet CC’ing me because no wolf would do some shit like this.

It’s not my fault that the average skill level on this site is shit.

No, allow me to get tracks or whatnot.

You don’t have to be half-decent at Mafia to get what I’m doing. Hell, even if you just didn’t bother talking about the claim at all then this would work as wolves would avoid targeting me.

The proposition here is ridiculous and relies fully on assumption.

Here are some things that you need to get through your head.

A) I’m a go-to NK target. This is fucking obvious.
B) I’m a PR, PRs dying is a huge net negative for the town.
C) If my FPS goes wrong, I had an out to claim PR.
D) So my options here are either claim Vet and either the FPS goes wrong and I claim and die or I remain unclaimed and likely die. Of course I’d fucking gamble.

Quote the post where Tw1 defends gorta?

And her entire suspicion on N.1. is just because N.1. claimed that he reads mostly on meta. Suspecting someone for having a different playstyle is not exactly villagery logic.

Twi is the first to defend gorta after gorta accuses there of being scum within wazza/marshal


Meh, I see the reasoning, but I still dislike her posts as so far she hasn’t really done anything too villagery despite asking so many questions as her reads remain narrow.

Going to read through EVO posts ISO to try to determine his meta.

Ive asked TwiL1ght to post reads a while back(actually in that wallpost about them)

they didn’t have any at that time

actually im going to make a list of everybody without a lot of reads(cheese,Twi,Sog?) and @ them near EoD