[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!


Pointing out that it’s been 40-50 hours since the game began and I still have absolutely nothing from either of you three.

Fossil doesn’t leave me much to go on to help solve his slot.

He said that his GF wants his attention and I understand when real life calls you have to answer.
Yet I find it concerning his slot is harder to solve than I’d like.

Gonna take more time for me to put out something due to 2 reasons.

  1. It takes time for me to do ISOs since I don’t do them often

  2. Work. Work. Work. Irl work and also some celebration

I might not even be able to produce a proper ISO today because of the amount of work I got to finish. Heck I am putting off my physics project for tomorrow cause I don’t have time as is

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Sorry about that xP

(made a comment on alice’s outburst but have redacted it since mod stepped in already).

Secondly, you are certainly not town-cored.

Third, nothing here is contradicting, and I am curious why you think it is. It was speculation on the implications of you fake-claiming veteran, one of them being in a world that Coven Leader would more likely be in play if you flipped coven, as that would give you more confidence in claiming vet as it would theoretically have multiple benefits.

Also, @Marshal you still suspect Alice?


for now

very much so

Now that Alice has responded, I’m going to re-evaluate a few slots here. I’m open for discussion for a while

I’m the damn TI. I had to claim it because Marshal fucked up before.

If you didn’t have any idea on why would I be claiming Veteran, then why just cast a vote and ditch instead of further try to find out why?

First point here shows that you did think that you had no idea regarding my alignment, why did you just vote me and then leave?

Ight so reading gorta’s ISO

they start off with the citizen slip




He then goes on for a while about how he just made a bad move. I though this was a townie how quickly he realized he made a mistake and that there wasn’t even a slight part of him that thought it was a good idea.

The next big thing is this








  1. scummy post
  2. goes on for a while trying to justify it
    this pattern now happened twice.
    also that 5/7th post about walking down the “lol reaction test” thing is stupid. If you did that i’d dare say that would be even more scummy, and your insistence on the post(it comes up a few times) hones down that as scum you would know that. Though as scum I don’t see why you would do this, it certainly didn’t get anywhere. Half of his posts comes from him trying to say he stands by that second post.



I get that if you don’t have reads at that time but if you say you still need to do that please get around to it.

his wallpost was the closest we got to his opinions on like everyone else

gorta has entered my PoE

Fine, then if so can you at least make reads WITHOUT pre-flipping me in mind? This game is going to be cancer if you end up defending every single player I push just because of your suspicion against me.

I’m not going to preflip

But I will keep a specific eye on interactions with you

Thoughts regarding EVO, Tw1, and Cloned, then?

the first post isn’t him saying that he’s unsure about your alignment, or at least not that unsure. He’s pointing something out as NAI

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I mean, this smells like OMGUS, but i’ll treat it as an actual argument.

Was at work. Parking votes is a pretty common thing to do when you have to leave for awhile.

This is honestly within your field of understanding so idk how you would misinterpret this. Also, this is virtually the same argument as before.

If that’s NAI or that I could do it as either alignment, then why just drop the vote and leave?


as I said earlier I had the TL on twi

evo and cloned I haven’t looked into much