[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

if that’s true then katze is locktown

I mean I was trying to warn you all not to push me too hard. Yet some of you didn’t listen.

I was trying to be incognito D1. That plan was ruined.

look what u did l1ght

I mean like anyone would want to not be pushed though… except for Wazza but that’s cause Wazza is awesome

What did I do??

you have awoken the dragon

I can’t help rolling as scum and repeating every mistake that katze made as newbscum in a game back in November ;-; /s


DAAAAARGONS yes it is a complete sentence you terrible algorithm

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i miss chloe, every time i would talk about getting high she would like that shit so fast, made me want to say it every time i smoked

I am poor little nerd, I do not do the smoke

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i know little nerds that smoke

to be fair i was trying really hard to be towny in that game for the sole reason that i subbed into a slot that was scummy

if you read my last scumgame (RM4) i don’t think i was towny at a macro level at all

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I am loser little nerd, I do not do the smoke

This was my plan. Be incognito D1, gather information and post reads based on that. Oh no we can’t that time to barge in like a bull in a china shop and make the mayor reveal. Nice clap clap.

true vulgard was a hella slot to sub in to

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You may have noticed that when I offend someone, it is deliberate. It is never an accident when I say offensive things.