[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Strawmanning me with my world theories, and now exaggerating Marshal’s push, desperate enough to resort to tactics like twisting words, yes could be anger, but also scummy

Your both Non Town that failed my reaction test.
Your Welcome!

[quote=“Twil1ight, post:3185, topic:81585, full:true”]

That’s your opinion but personally i think you’re wrong. There is no point in pressuring someone who didn’t post at all as they may be reason they cannot be active. Technically simmilar case was with N.1 but they actually posted and promised to post content which they didn’t. Big difference here.

Pressuring someone who hasn’t posted at all can really get them to at least give some sort of entrance. Pressuring someone who already did an entrance and hasn’t posted up til that point isn’t in line with trying to get more information in my mind. It’s like you’re trying to twist it to make it seem as if your move is more beneficial when in reality, you appear to have done it just to tunnel someone.

It’s like this situation:
Who would you rather more information on their whereabouts if you’re manager?
Someone who appears at the workplace once?
Or someone who hasn’t showed up at all?

And the reasoning for ‘why’ can always be a multitude of things. Just because one hasn’t come on as often as the other doesn’t always lead to a very valid or personal reason, or the reason is as severe as the other person’s.

You used that argument of meta here, saying how activity or lack thereof is no indicator of alignment. Again it appears like you are forgetting some of the points you made.

I never stated N.1 is innocent of meta, just stated how you seem to use that argument when it’s in your favor yet deny that same excuse when it comes to N.1. Also I call everyone who appears to be against town mafia (I don’t like to use the word scum because I feel like it’s too harsh to be honest). And also, that looks like an attempt to try and find some faults in my logic.

AKA what I wanted to do.

AKA same essential bloody reason as to why clone should be scum

Twisting others’ posts to fit her narrative either means a really desperate towny, or generally scum, FMPoV.

Oooookay then.

What happened to the quote

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thank you for the insightful read seth

are you going to do anything with them this game? or are you going to talk about your perfect PoE, and towncore half the wolves?

Lynch Alice Tomorrow.

I’m warning you now Marshal.
If you lynch Alice today and don’t lynch Cloned/Light/SogMan Tomorrow, I’m Going Seth Throwing.

Most people are good for a cloned vote, but Alice is the bigger target here for me. I am ok hanging Cloned. But Alice is clearly scum, and rn im just caught up in the argument tbh

we’ve already established this though

@clonedcheese post a read list with actual opinions. If they’re wrong, then we won’t believe them. If you can provide substantial evidence… then great! Just contribute, please.


Because that’s how you fucking read thought processes.

A villager would fucking vote their scumread while a wolf just makes posts like “I agree, X is scummy” and then not bother to interact with their scumreads at all.

There’s a reason why I’ve been not only SR’ing Cheese, but also strong-arming his lynch as well. BECAUSE I’M A FUCKING VILLAGER WHO AM HIGHLY SURE THAT CHEESE FLIPS WOLF HERE.

That’s your fucking problem then; not mine.
I see you as a problem, and I see the points as valid. I don’t care what you think.

You’re the imbecile who admitted you’d follow Seth as leader. Why would I ever listen to you?

What is a Seth Throw?

It’s where Seth doesn’t give 2 shits about the game anymore and won’t contribute at all and be mean until people stop being wrong and listen to Seth.

By strawmanning?

Can I edit my response to Twilight’s post? I made a mistake with the quotes

I have a quiz to do for my homework before I move onto the next video. I want a list of your reasons of SRing Alice by the time I get back, @Marshal.

so lets say we lynch cloned and he flips coven

do you think that clears your slot?