[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!



Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Zone_Q11 an_gorta_pratai 1/10
clonedcheese CRichard564, Zone_Q11, Fossil, Wazza, Alice 5/10
Alice Marshal, katze, PokemonKidRyan, Universal, Twil1ight, TheBlueElixir, EVO, Magnus, ModeShifter 9/10
Currently abstaining Players Italy, clonedcheese, SogMan, oB_L1ght 4
Yell at me if there are any mistakes.

How is tracker a power role?
Itā€™s a reverse lookout.


can you just end this

i need to do hw

I donā€™t care what Seth is, can we PL him and deal with others progressively?

PL bad

PR = Anything thatā€™s not a Cit.

I can confirm people as not cits tonight if Iā€™m allowed to live.

I want some part of my sanity.
A small piece.

Who will be final voter on Alice here?

Fuck it. Sure.

PR is any role that isnā€™t called ā€œCitizenā€

I have an assignment due in soon

I just wanna do it

but i canā€™t cuz distracto FM

/vote Alice

too bad CL cant force cits to visit

i want to suicide into marshal tonight this game has not been enjoyable

oh fu-

I personally hold nothing against you.
Itā€™s just that I am one voice, and one vote. I doubt anything I say will convince everyone to spare you.

I wonder what nonsense is next out of Sethā€™s mouth.
That Iā€™m Exe with him as target or some shit?

Well i have a bad feeling you guys on Aliceā€™s wagon wonā€™t like her flip.