[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!


Iā€™m looking at you @Twil1ight. Your scumminess can be seen from space sis.

Since Italy was fakeā€¦ there actually is room for Twi.
I apologise, Alice for yesterdayā€¦

Well I donā€™t trust her. She puts Alice as a town read and then votes her to by lynched. Wolf anyone?

Interestingly, weā€™re missing a night kill. There should be two players dead yet only Italy died N1.

That is weā€™re missing the NK kill.

@Geyde @Possessed

So there multiple possibilities for why weā€™re missing the NK night kill.

  1. The NK is the Arsonist.
  2. The NK hit a death immune role. If coven head is CL, that is a possible explanation for the missing night kill.
  3. The NK got roleblocked and if this true, then itā€™s unlike the NK is the Serial Killer as they attack their would be roleblocker.


The fourth and final possibility is that the Coven and NK kills both targeted Italy. As he was a PR claim, it would make sense for both of them to ensure Italy died.

It is me, BITCH

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Geyde has replaced in for katze!

Ah hello Geyde. What was your night action?

Geyde replacing into scum instead of out what

Cheese should have been lynched D1 rather than Alice.

So, I think thereā€™s a few things to go over here. 1) Who wagoned alongside Marshal? 2) What happened to the second night kill (but it looks like thatā€™s already gone over) and 3) Is cloned still our lynch for today?

At least we can correct the mistake by doing it D2.

I mentioned four possibilities for why weā€™re missing a night kill.

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I really need to read rolecards.

Didnā€™t realize Executioner leaves the game upon winning. Kinda sucks Tbh.

Iā€™ll try and be more formal.

Formal Mode Activated (hopefully it stays that way)


You owe me an apology if your Town.

That was a bad play and you know it!

If your not Town, then you donā€™t have to apologize I really donā€™t care what you do.

As for everyone else who has a Green Town Rolecard. I need you to vote SogMan today.

I donā€™t want to see anyone elseā€™s name on the vote count except for SogMan or Iā€™m coming after yeah.

I donā€™t want to lose this game due to Town being so easily manipulated.

In fact, if anyone else other then SogMan is voted they will be considered Lock Town.

You guys need to trust me on this.

This is strategically the best play today.

I know some of you might come up with the idea that ā€œOh Cloned was the counter wagon so heā€™s Coven!ā€

But that isnā€™t the case in actuality. Yes he has a chance to be scum. But heā€™s simply a scum read by a dead town. It could be legit or could be another mislynch for Town that Coven has their eyes on.

Another Scapegoat Wagon for Scum to pile on without being sussed.

Speaking of which, out of the wagon I believe there to be a minimum of 2 scum on that wagon and my thoughts is Universal and Light.

Now as for Light, I feel like his vote at the end there didnā€™t feel Townie. Didnā€™t feel like his Town Meta. Especially considering Marshal hard claimed Executioner before he voted.

Universal on the other hand, is a Slot that in all honesty I donā€™t see much and I felt as if they voted there because it was a ā€œsafe scapegoat wagonā€.

Now for the Town that are still hesitant and like ā€œWell I donā€™t know. Not sure I want to vote SogManā€

Let me tell you something.

During the Mayor incident he was trying to lean back and dull like defend the mayor before he claimed.

What do I mean by this?

He was giving a defence that was more or less like ā€œwell heā€™s not really scummyā€ kinda thing.

Itā€™s like going on their side but not entirely defending them if you get what I mean.

Now Second thing.

During Marshal and Aliceā€™s Thunderdome he allowed Chaos to stir pretty much talking about how all of this went down and it is what it is.

But the thing that hits me the most. And reason Iā€™m keen on voting SogMan is the sole fact he claimed ā€œOh we should wait till tomorrow, they Tracker. But I guess that could be not that good but maybe we try it or not?ā€ It felt bad and considering the fact I already mentioned we lynch Alice tomorrow, IMO better then he said it. Thatā€™s what makes me be like. ā€œYeah, this guy is scum!ā€

So please Town I beg you, Vote SogMan

/Vote SogMan

Stop looking into night kills this hard guys please