[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Zzz zzz

I always get so upset when I see neutrals not taking the harder, more enjoyable paths to victory.

Like why couldn’t I get that role??

Dw I got you bb.

Inb4 possed is phys who heals be as a big fuck you

If I could you bet your ads I would on sheer principle

Too bad you aren’t

Your ass*

This isn’t a YouTube tutorial

Watch now he’s gonna try to convince a protective to protect me

Your wincon kind of works in our favor since a non-town dies. So its cool.

Tho if you managed to get a protective to heal me, a neut, out of sheer fuck you

I wouldn’t even be mad lmao

We could just hang you today and your lose outright :upside_down_face:

However my desire to win outweighs my desire to be petty

I still don’t get why EVO is a better lynch than Wazza the NK


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Evo is DI

Right? We get a guaranteed one less kill tonight, Derps basically auto-loses and we can figure out EVO tomorrow.

That was a Wazza claim was it not? That I thought he retracted.

…sure. Have it your way.

wat dis mean

Death immune

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Death Immune.

He can’t be killed at night while I can.

Granted there are chances he’s Coven who was healed by a PM but I doubt it a lot.