[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

NK derps is a valid nk candidate
That’s the extent of my thoughts on the matter

Not when they claimed an Attack on someone and Vigilante Legit said they would attack them tonight.

And you agreed on a vig shot on your slot
Look, I don’t have any hard feelings



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Jugg gets defence easily.
So a vig kill would fail.

And that’s assuming Wazza was Jugg, and not another nk pretending to be Jugg.

Yeah then you realized you could save your scum buddy and voted Alice.

Bold of you to assume I’m that cunning.
Besides, I wasn’t the only person to vote Alice. There were nine other players voting them.

In any case, I’m at a difficult pass
Cheese’s new PoE and following evaluation if that PoE doesn’t feel like a pop fly to escape things

It’s not game throwing if your doing it to help me win for my win record!

It’s against the forum rules.
Which is by definition gamethrowing.
I know you were trying to tell a joke, but if Rich can’t take a joke, then I’m going to follow suit.

I’m interested in hearing your take on who the scumteam might be

Well your in PoE so Claim.
And I don’t think your Doctor as you wouldn’t be willing to die like you are doing if you were Doctor.

That’s a little out there

You both are Coven and you both knew what I actually meant.
Don’t try me.

If I’m dead regardless I’m dead regardless.
And while I may or may not be doctor, I am not claiming. Literally every time I claim in Poe past games I’m reprimanded for it.

I’m just really irritated at obvious Coven RN.

I’m a lot irritated at this entire situation.

No Duh Sherlock.
Called Opportunity Join on a late Wagon to save buddy

There was still nine other votes on Alice.

Now either claim a role or stop talking and die you Coven!