[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Love kicking scum in balls since 1985

Even though I wasnā€™t even born then.

Of course
Interesting Maneuver

Clearly I havenā€™t been paying attention.

Why canā€™t you repeat yourself? Seems as though I have to.

Ah right because you already know Iā€™m Smart and caught you and Cloned.

Stop redirecting the conversation.

Lets see if I can say it as clear possible.
<------TP and no one else claimed TP. Didnā€™t vote up Alice and voted up EVO.
Itā€™s all a matter of adding 2 + 2.

Seems as though I enjoy watching coven suffer and I love Torturing them limb from limb.
Arenā€™t you enjoying it?

I would rather lynch either Poss or Uni over cloned for clonedā€™s lack of d1 self pres being a moderately good look for the slot

Good think we have 58 hours before we decide who gets the noose no?

Maybe Uni over Poss based on votes

/vote Uni

Stop making bad conversation. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Clearly youā€™re being vindictive and neither of us are thinking clearly.
Iā€™m going to clear my head.

Un Adios Hasta La Muerte.

Donā€™t fight with Coven.
Let Magnus talk to himself.
Quickly, trick him and say Zone is Mayor.
Coven may fuck Up.

Iā€™m not sure how to move forward with current PoE before flips

I want Cloned before Uni.

But cloned didnā€™t self pres d1

Itā€™s true that Iā€™m the only TP claim. Yet you never think Iā€™m a citizen who is protecting the Mayor?
