[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

I mean

if its stalker

we very well might lose if they live through today

however if its arsonist, the focus can be tomorrow

If Universal flips not town then dang ill be wrong again(and a lot of the game relies on this not being town. Vig might make up for it though)

If Universal flips Coven, then that’s great

If Universal flips NK, we are out of MYLO(I think, if its hex master then I might be wrong)

Why? I want to see more movement

We already have our night plan set in motion.
Mayor chose Universal to lynch so we follow our Mayor.

story of my life

and few people actually posted 15 posts today

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My precious VCA nooooo


dang Possessed actually playing the game like a townie makes me actually have to think

I mean, I guess so. I might not get any more info out of VCA

2 unaccounted for RCs and we have a nightplan

PKR also…hasn’t posted reads


the day is ending again, please give reads

Honestly? Being in PoE is where I can operate best as I’m a counter-reader. I can smell bullshit scum pushes better on me than on others, and I’m pretty much guaranteed to live until I’m the push.

Possessed, note in head of time

if I’m alive tomorrow by some witchcraft

start the day with a vote on me

more in logs/possible explanation tomorrow

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Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
clonedcheese Zone_Q11, Universal, oB_L1ght 3/7
Geyde SirDerpsAlot 1/7
Possessed Geyde 1/7
Universal Possessed, clonedcheese, CRichard564 , ModeShifter 6/7
CRichard564 Magnus 1/7
Currently abstaining Players an_gorta_pratai, TheBlueElixir, PokemonKidRyan 3

I don’t get this but ok

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I could hammer but I don’t want to hammer

but like

wouldn’t it be pog because it would be my first hammer

but like I don’t want to hammer Universal

but is the day really going anywhere else?

eh I want to see if PKR will show up

You can get the hammer bruv

But what do we realistically need from PKR?
Magnus dies tomorrow and it’s not a day ability that’s needs to be qued up

PKR last gave reads d1 if im not mistaken

if he is towncore, why not tell us thoughts?

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I don’t remember PKR being known for making many reads. Might just be because when I’ve seen PKR they’re usually just being inactive or defending themselves if pushed.


tomorrow is going to be an interesting day, not sure there is a reason to stall hammer

It’s called being busy.

hope he wont be busy d4

It’s called “A Life”