[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!


Thatā€™s hammer ugh


Oh whoopsies

Final VC of Day 4:

Voted Voters Votes
Zone_Q11 SirDerpsAlot 1/6
clonedcheese Geyde, ModeShifter, clonedcheese, an_gorta_pratai, Zone_Q11, oB_L1ght 6/6
Currently abstaining Players Possessed, PokemonKidRyan, Magnus 3

clonedcheese has been lynched! They also committed suicide over being stalked by the Stalker . They were:


Coven Support

Sly (Passive) - You are immune to being occupied.

Poison (Night) - Poison target Player. Poisoned Players will lose their passives except for occupation immunity and will be occupied until they are healed. - infinite uses

You win with the Coven
You must kill the Town
You must kill Arsonists
You must kill Serial Killers
You must kill Stalkers
You may spare anyone else

clonedcheese had the following logs:

clonedcheese's logs

wazza wasnā€™t poisoned n1 lmao

Geyde has committed suicide over being stalked by the Stalker , they were:


Town Investigative

Stakeout (Night) - Watch someone to see who visits them. - Infinite uses

You win with the Town
You must kill the Coven
You must kill Arsonists
You must kill Serial Killers
You must kill Stalkers
You must kill Juggernauts
You may spare anyone else

Geyde had the following logs:

Geyde's logs

n1. Stakeout Wazza - No visits (this means either PM and/or Fearmonger exists)
n2. Stakeout Twil1ght - Magnus
n3. Stakeout CRichard -

So wazza has me as their master
Iā€™ve been trying to convince them that Iā€™m actually hex master w/ cheese as my ā€œpartnerā€ (I did fuck up my fakeclaim at this part so hopefully it doesnā€™t come back to bite me in the ass)
They told me that Derps was NK, with very little reasoning to support their claim (and didnā€™t give me reasoning even after I asked)ā€¦so itā€™s a shoddy source at best

In any case we really want to try to lynch NK tomorrow
Stalker stalking our vig is a really bad situation to be in

Wazza said they would be following CRich for me (by my request of course)

Letā€™s hope they buy it and are telling me the truth

As for likely nk candidates, I donā€™t think they are lying actually about Derps
In any case, we lynch them tomorrow to remove the 2kpn that they have

Night 4 has begun and will end at 2020-05-13T13:35:00Z.


You know, I was trying to entertain you with stupid comments, considering lack of any other flavorā€¦

But I kinda run out of ideas due to certain mod not cooperating. :eyes:


Did you know ā€œAreteā€ in greek means ā€œExcellenseā€?

Fum fact, I know


Hi eevee

Is this what you were looking for

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Arete, if there was elections for best mod, do you think you would win?


For starters, you exist :^)

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Honestly, I think every thinking person on this forum would vote for you.

But thatā€™s not enough. You need majority.


Night 4 has ended.

Zone_Q11 was massacred by the Coven ! They were:


Town Citizen

You are a Citizen. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

You win with the Town
You must kill the Coven
You must kill Arsonists
You must kill Serial Killers
You must kill Stalkers
You must kill Juggernauts
You may spare anyone else

They had the following Logs:

Zone_Q11's Logs
Log N3

TBE, you fool. Why would you put PKR as your RT? And what the heck is up with ob_L1ght as your 3rd RT instead of Geyde FFS? We now have to deal with a Stalker and a possibly fake PKR Vigilante. ā€¦ how ā€œfunā€. :upside_down_face:

My plan? Lynch Magnus first if he is alive, and then lynch cheese. I know you dumdums wonā€™t listen to me just like how most people wouldnā€™t listen to Seth, but if anyone ever wants my plan: Here you go. Keep pressuring cheese/Pogman, and fish and hunt for roles. They canā€™t all hide as VTs forever.

Log N4

Before I solve this game, let me say this first: POSSESSED YOU SON OF A BITCH, HOW DARE YOU SHADE ME.

Okay, letā€™s start the solve.

  • Magnus is Coven Power, and seeing as how Wazza saw him visit TwiL1ght N2, Magnus has to be Medusa.
  • PKR doesnā€™t have the excuse that Seth fed to him, so he must be Stalker. No Seth, PKR has to be Stalker. There is no Fearmonger since clonedcheese flipped Poisoner, he lied about getting roleblocked, and why the fuck would a Citizen ever claim as Vigilante?
  • This means that Derps is a legitimate fucking trolling Citizen.

Lynch PKR first. Stalker insta-wins if everyone is Stalked.

Day 5 has started and will end at 2020-05-16T17:08:00Z!

With 7 players alive, majority is 4.

You may now talk.

Apoligies for late EoN, thread was locked and mods were asleep.


Iā€™ve shot Magnus twice and heā€™s not died.
I did send in my action both nights.

Doop de doop

PKR, the funny thing isā€¦

Thereā€™s no Fearmonger. :sleepy:

Also, sorry @Geyde