[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

maf variant ToSFM was cool

but not enough real neuts :^)


I like this one

Good idea.

I was hoping to roll coven this game

but exe

was the 3rd most class I wanted

and my fav ToS class

so im happy

Do Mafia Returns
With the new mafia roles from the Coven expansion

(that thing never fills in ToS so let’s have it fill here)


multi :b: ruh

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It’s not multiball
There are no coven

did somebody say multiball

That expansion just introduces new mafia roles

it’s ToS except with beefed up roles

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no, go sleep again

But but
It’s 3:00 PM

I thought there were


why make new maf roles when there are already good maf roles

These ones are better i assure u


Also hypnotist doesn’t really work
And ambusher is laughably weak

I have multiple balls.




Basketballs you nerds.

Also my dog is in the chair i was using for work

no because tos fm already has mafia roles that fill in for those