[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

I also haven’t been pushed on yet for anything other than afk-ness.

I’m writing it
writing takes time
patience is a virtue, my friend

No one said it was a good virtue, however.

a quality considered morally good or desirable in a person.


This is flexible.

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  • Wazza: town Vig.
  • N.1: null. looks like they are doing their usual massive gathering of “meta” evidence that they are not going to use (sorry N.1). I can quote their thought process behind this action from the hydra game, if they allow me to.
  • Alice: town tracker. This slot can still be scum, but based on their responses to Marshal and others, I think they were genuinely going for the “claim swap” or whatever it was. Seems genuinely disappointed. Of course this might be in scum!Alice’s capabilities based on what people have talked about, but I think this one is for real.
  • ModeShifter: null/faint scumlean. I’d put this slot as a full scumlean for the interaction during Alice/Marshal fiasco and their VT claim, but people (including me) think it’s “seth just being seth.” More attention required.
  • Italy: town transporter.
  • oB_Light: extremely faint scumlean, for their first few posts. Otherwise null.
  • Twil1ight: null. I didn’t see this slot as particularly scummy or villagery yet, and nothing of their posts stood out that much. More attention required. maybe it’s because I didn’t read the thread enough but we don’t talk about that here
  • an_gorta_pratai: scumlean. They claimed VT, then brushed it off as a simple mistake. Seems scummy to me.
  • Marshal: town vet.
  • CRichard564: town mayor.
  • katze: katze. I have absolutely no clue how to read this slot. Memeing a lot. If I had to guess I’d say this is VT trying to not be bored.
  • clonedcheese: lockscum locktown. Duh
  • TheBlueElixir: townlean. Seems like trying to solve slots. Although convincing vet to claim was unoptimal imho, motivation seemed villagery.
  • EVO: null. Same as twilight.
  • SogMan: null. Same as twilight.
  • Fossil: null. Same as twilight.
  • PokemonKidRyan: NE-lean (if that’s a thing). That “e.g” thing, and their response, suggests that this slot is not NB but wanted to plant that idea in people’s minds.
  • Universal: null. Lowposter, hasn’t done much noticable.
  • Magnus: null. Same as twilight.

Townreads: claimed PRs + me
Townleans: Alice + BlueElixir
Katze: Katze
Scumlean: gorta, seth(kinda), PKR (NE)

that’s a pretty accurate read :^)


Alternate readlist:

Katze: meme


Meme: Katze


I just took the last 40 minutes to read down my mind is now officially mush

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I don’t really have specific evidence as that would’ve taken hours that I’m not willing to give, but I will quickly compile an updated readlist.

Also, I would like to say that Cloned has at least 3 active braincells for scumleaning me for inactivity.

Say hello to my 2 brain cells I guess


I believe SogMan is scum here all the way.
I think there is 1 scum within Cloned/Light.

At least 1*

You’re not going to like my read on you, then, Seth. I’m at Tw1light right now, sleep well friend :slight_smile:

I’m going down the numbered list. There is a lot to cover, after all.

I think it’s just Cloned here. Aside from his opportunistic voting record the readlist was… egregiously bad as it basically follows the classic newbwolf tell of them unable to be taking sides.

We’re over 2.5k posts in and out of the 18 players he read around over half of the players reads are null, five are PR claims, the SR on gorta doesn’t really follow and he’s never really interacted with him, and the read on PKR is just 3p hunting which can be easily done as either alignment.

I’m about 3/4’s of the way done, maybe closer to 2/3’s.

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