[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Well, I’m for now.

*off for now

light why you like my post

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NE and NB aren’t even in the same roles. They have different wincons and they each occupy two different claimspaces. They aren’t in the same by any means.

Hmm, fair enough.

Do you think a wolf would push the mayor to reveal themselves?

Yes and no - both answers are possible here
What drove the coffin in the nail I guess is that seth was continuing to bring up the fact that “there’s no accurate scumreads” because they have never been scum
and honestly that just felt like a scum defense

phantom/whatever the other one is can easily claim one over the other…

What are your thoughts on EVO?

“sinusoidal” as you put it :stuck_out_tongue:

My original thoughts, from about 30 mins ago was this:

But Light said this:

but contradicted themselves kinda by saying this:

Tell me if that’s not confusing

kinda want to read up on Light and EVO

i also kinda want to sleep

i have ruled that this is more important

I will be pursuing this goal for the next 9 hours unless I can sneak my phone into my bed


do you also see what im talking about in this post


does it not seem very similar to whats happening this game

Attempt has failed

Good night everyone

Have a good night cheese.

@clonedcheese sleep well. That sentence was a bit poorly phrased, but I was trying to say that it was good EXCEPT FOR those two parts.

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@katze I have to ask what direction you’re going with this, since Vulgard flipped Blue Dragon unless there’s a plot twist I didn’t see. Reading me based on someone else’s game from months ago isn’t the greatest idea, however.

Regardless of if you’re reading me as scum or town.

in the scenario im linking

you are acting like me in FoL24, in response to pressure

i was scum in FoL24

Oooooh I completely missed that point then, sorry. I will re-check.

like i don’t entirely scumread you is the thing

but im seeing a very interesting parallel and its :eyes:

some comments before I shleep

No, no he isn’t. And neither is Wazza. Claiming a PR isn’t instant confirmation. It just means if they were wolf, it’d be somewhat riskier for them. I know there are people in here that have claimed a PR that 100% would take risks like that.

Not everyone who is caught in a fakeclaim is scumread right away. Okay, so in this particular world, Italy could claim FPS and poof, he’d be a little scummier, but the fakeclaim alone wouldn’t determine a lynch. In this world lets say Italy starts being really towny. They, as scum, in that world, could still play that game. Take Alice for example. She is still one of my townleans.

@katze I only ISO’d to about 40, but I believe you starting to see things based on my interaction with you and your interaction with Luxy?

Which is?