[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

do you take me for some kind of amnesiac or something

you know my reactiontest and reacted to it a meme way
but didn’t say purple

despite that being the scumfaction color


i was talking about something else :eyes:

give your thought process for these posts

something else that we will not discuss because it is still a secret i assume marshal

scumleaning pkr because of his entrance, same for magnus for trying to get towncred by dragging on to shitposts
townreading you, crich and townleaning wazza

i’ve tasted them
and they’re fucking delicious

i have 0 idea what you are talking about

yes indeed what are we discussing



can you explain these?

grape is okay but honestly blue raspberry is actually better
i like white mystery just because it’s a surprise and you never know what you get

/vote Marshal

I bet the reason he’s townleaning me is because he agrees with my reads.

shit wrong person
/vote PKR

aaaa Marshal you distracted me

i want him to explain

im trying to solve his slot here


you know those like meta-lists you made

have you made one for wazza
if not
can you make one for wazza

Hardcore and For real
for the first time
instead of just beating around the bush

One coming later today
i have to clean my room, always have to saturday mornings

I haven’t seen one made for me.

