[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

N promises big thing

N does not deliver

N does the gamer move of selfvote + AtE


difference is, i’ll flip differently this time
But this is definitely better for town EV wise than keeping me alive and wasting a night action on me
So please kill me now

it’s not an AtE. I want to die.



no quickhammerino

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Marshal Fossil 1/10
N.1 katze, TheBlueElixir, an_gorta_pratai, oB_L1ght, N.1 5/10
Sogman ModeShifter 1/10
clonedcheese Alice, CRichard564, Twil1ight 3/10
PokemonKidRyan Wazza 1/10
Currently abstaining Players Italy, Marshal, clonedcheese, EVO, SogMan, PokemonKidRyan, Universal, Magnus 8
Yell at me if there are any mistakes.

usually not afraid of quickhammerino but with things like exe + nb i’m erring on the side of caution

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Twilight’s ISO
(Sorry of it’s atrocious. I am trying to get better at them)

(What does FoS mean?)
Aside from that, Twilight’s first notable action is FoSing Wazza, which I am just going to think is like accusing him because of the following line, “You didn’t have like no reason to claim that, what is this.”

Watching SogMan’s response to Magnus’ posts which apparently are that he highly suspects Magnus for seriously going after Katze’s (awesome) meme posts, and how different it is towards Twilight’s when he took Wazza’s claim seriously is a bit suspicious. I went looking through the reads a bit more and Wazza was being theorized to be all sorts of classes by Marshal and other players, but as of right now I am just very skeptical of this change in attitude.

Twilight’s feel early game is very towny with a bit of energy in it. They ask a lot of questions, specifically why others have the reads they have. While I do think this is a towny thing to do, looking at how many questions it is and how their reads are essentially bounce-offs from others, I feel like Twilight is a bit opportunistic. That’s where the energy comes from.

Also this:

To me, it appears that Twilight has always had it out for N.1 since the beginning. Targeting him for pressure, despite there also being other players that haven’t nearly posted enough or haven’t posted at all.

This post was done in response to TheBlueElixir’s question as to why N.1 hasn’t posted on much and if Twilight had any experience, Twilight just response with this. I would be behind this type of move, since I personally also believe getting out the lowposters/no-activity players are a move that town should do if all else fails. This is because having a slot that gives no information whatsoever or just very little information, is a slot that can be detrimental to Town in the long run. But by 2 days ago, I haven’t even posted anything AT ALL. I don’t even think Alice posted anything aswell. N.1 at least had made an entrance. If contribution of information is what gets you the target, then in my opinion, Twilight should’ve went after either me or Alice.

This post also makes me feel like Twilight is heavy tunneling N.1. He admits he has no previous knowledge of N.1’s playstyle and just going after him due to not posting that much that contributes to Town’s win.

These two posts contradict each other as well as what Twilight essentially kept accusing N.1 of, not being proactive or not being as active D.1. When it was brought it that N.1’s meta was this in a previous post, Twilight disregarded it completely. Making it seem as if Twilight didn’t care for meta when it came to N.1. But despite this, Twilight stated how we should judge his playstyle with his regular meta and how his low activity compared to the others should be disregarded via that way. However, he never gives that avenue of escape to N.1.

To me, honestly, Twilight looks to be very mafia-y with their actions regarding N.1 Aside from that, they also seem to ask a lot of questions and do quite a fair bit of reads. They actually join in speculation and don’t seem afraid to chime into chat.

I am leaning towards Twilight being mafia in this instance just because of the amount of shadiness in their posts around N.1, and how they went from being so confident on it to voting Clonedcheese because there was a buildup in his wagon, at least it seems skimming through the replies in Twilight’s ISO.

Either way, depending on how EoD goes, I may move Twilight up from mafia or down as being 100% mafia.

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finger of suspicion

it’s not a vote, but it’s basically saying “i’m suspicious of this person”

Ah ok. I searched it up online while doing the ISO and found that it can also mean “Full of Poopoo” and I didn’t want to assume they actually meant that

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I wouldn’t be surprised if Twi was exe with me as their target, but regardless, it’s far better to kill me today than waste any PR actions on me, so please do so.

Aside from the ISO and the results, was it good? Did I do decent?

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N can you at least try to lynch coven?

if you aren’t gonna play you should probably replace out. like atp it’s just you going “ohwo I don’t have time to do literally anything so im going to just selfvote and not help”

idk if it’s against the rules to encourage this but rn you are not helping whatever alignment you are

Was my ISO goodddddd?

Also it took me like 30+ minutes to form that entire thing. I went after Twilight first because they were the lowest posters out of the three I am gonna do. And it took me from like 2:45 til 3:30ish.

I liked it because it showed a pretty good thought process even if I might disagree with the conclusion

When I am gonna do an ISO on modeshift or Katze I am probably not going to be seen for a few days ;-;

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I just think Twilight is very mafia-y due to their tunneling of N.1. If it weren’t for that, I would’ve read Twilight largely as town since everything else indicates town. But how they handled the whole thing, it just leans more mafia than town.

What is your conclusion on Twilight?

see I actually agree with that conclusion almost exactly, it’s just that I think that tw1’s tunneling of N is not as scummy as the rest of their posts are towny

Oh, so you think the other factors are more of a redflag than what I put out

well no

I think that there are a lot of green flags and one red flag

so when I look at them I think they are green