[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

thank you PKR

that’s now 2 slots i townread on the alice wagon so this will be very interesting to see how it progresses

While he is kinda casual this game as I said he is doing the other stuff that wasn’t done last game.

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Marshal Fossil 1/10
N.1 katze, an_gorta_pratai, oB_L1ght, N.1 4/10
clonedcheese Alice, CRichard564, Twil1ight, Wazza, ModeShifter 5/10
Twil1ight Universal, TheBlueElixir 2/10
Alice Marshal, PokemonKidRyan 2/10
Currently abstaining Players Italy, clonedcheese, EVO, SogMan, Magnus 5
Yell at me if there are any mistakes.

She’s TI.
Vote a No Claimer


I don’t want to lynch the ti

but I don’t want to not lynch a coven

an Alice lynch FMPoV could be ridiculously swingy, we either lynch a coven d1 or the ti d1

still torn, but as time passes i just get more torn as I want a target dead set within the next 5 hours



For that matter

why the fuck do you say that

mode you do realize if alice is real TI she’s not gonna live to give results anyways

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/vote PKR


Citizen claims are always good to grab and throw.
(Yes including mine)

You don’t vote a fucking PR claim on D1 unless they have a CC.

“only lynch cit claims” is stupid LMAO

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My Roles Shit.
I can admit that.

She lied about being veteran before to bait out another vet.
Then rescinded the claim and changed it to a TI because she’d be wagoned otherwise.

But lynching our ONLY TI claim is stupid.

Being on mobile and heavily lacking sleep im not gonna drop a whole ass quoting massive post rn. But magnus despite strangley clinging to katzes shitposts has actively posting and making proper observations. Which is enough to not scumread them to me. Pkr (from what ive managed to read) is doing some what the same, but less.

Good luck there buddy.
You’ll die before I do.
That’s a promise.

PKR this isn’t my trying to change your vote rather me in a townread/leaned position trying to figure out whether marshal is running another TvT or we could get a coven d1

Are you testin’ me?

you do realize that if she’s real TI she’s dead tonight anyways

and it’s a good risk to take

her lynch solves the game IMO