[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

part of my push on alice might just be because If i’m poisoned I’ll be very upset

but like

it’s a valid suspicous as well

its that saying universal is a null read just like Alice then looking up to see Alice is actually a townread means it could be a little outdated

** Poison (Night) -**


That’s not the point. The thing is the same readlist was posted a while ago and during that time Richard was flip-floping on my read between Townlean and Null and he didn’t update his readlist often.

Don’t care what you think. Managing reads of 13+ players is over my capability.

Didn’t read. Probably won’t either.

Where TF did the idea of Alice being Poisoner even come from during the first Day?

I thought poison didn’t target

They have the same change to be any role that anyone else has.

I refuse to cover it.

If I out the player I believe to be an EXE target of mine then it won’t work out very well.

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Except, that’s not true.
Because Alice claimed a role, got called out, rescinded it and changed it because otherwise she knew she’d be pushed.

Ok cool

I thought this was on poisoner

it’s on hex master and I retract that reason


Thank You!

Now vote me if you scumread me.

I’m having some wine in a bit, then I’ll be back.
Gotta recover from this.

Take your time.
If your having trouble understanding what I’m saying, instead of shading me just ask me to elaborate more.

Still don’t care tbh. A readlist is always better than no readlist. It saves me time to review every. single. one of your current progeess, rather than joining the “heated” debate with the Village Idiot that is Seth.

i’d argue that alice’s vet claim and then tracker claim make her more likely to be these roles

alice claiming veteran would check out with an invest claim if she was poisoner. And it would explain her wanting to stay alive as poisoner is very good.

Alice being coven leader trying to bait out the vet makes sense too, because if a vet alerts and CL redirects someone into that vet, the redirected player will die.

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Ps, Seth, your vote is still on me.