[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

ima just come in and say

PR swap is a strat that I’ve seen used like once

it’s where TI claimes vet, then the actual vet “picks up the drift” and claims TI

Don’t know why the hell she’d go for that here

…yeah, okay. You’ve made your point. I expected better from Alice based from what I’ve seen in NUFFM.

/vote Alice

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/unvote Welcome, Zone. I will gladly direct you to my two wall posts of reads CRich ignored because they don’t like wall posts. @Zone_Q11

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because in a tracker!alice world it’s very very strong

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Marshal Fossil, Zone_Q11 2/10
Zone_Q11 an_gorta_pratai 1/10
clonedcheese Alice, CRichard564 2/10
Twil1ight Universal 1/10
Alice Marshal, Twil1ight, katze, Zone_Q11 4/10
Wazza PokemonKidRyan, Wazza 2/10
PokemonKidRyan ModeShifter 1/10
Currently abstaining Players Italy, oB_L1ght, clonedcheese, TheBlueElixir, EVO, SogMan, Magnus 7
Yell at me if there are any mistakes.

but it makes very little sense that she would think it would work

she has a low opinion of us but like also expected that kind of strat to work and be picked up on

i mean
ive never seen that strat work

maybe because the one game of it i saw i was bmer but ok

I’d even understand her overestimating us

but like

why is she that mad at me

like I explained why I would never have picked up on that

like 90% of people in my shoes wouldn’t have either, let’s be real


this is the impression I got from alice since like d1
not surprising imo

Im not sure if i’ll be able to withstand the battering i know she’s gonna give me when she gets on but i’m prepared

Alice said it was a “common” strat, i’m assuming she is refering to MU as otherwise i’m not exactly sure why she would thought people know this strat on this site.

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Both wallposts

Wallpost numero uno

Wallpost numero dos

I do have some changed opinions, obviously you subbing in to the N.1 slot leans to the fact that they were genuinely busy, so you are null atm. Italy… I still don’t really know about, and will wait until N1 results before going further in depth on their read. I missed TheBlueElixer’s reads when I posted my second wallpost, so you can attribute that however you’d like. I don’t like Wazza going back and forth and back and forth, but, once again, will wait for N1 results. Universal has showed up, has provided a bit of content and some ISO, a slight townlean but not crazy high. @Zone_Q11

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I haven’t seen that used here ever

or in my 128 hours of ToS

Alice shouldn’t be lynched today EVER.
They should be lynched tomorrow.
/Vote ClonedCheese

Can someone please explain to me why Cloned is getting lynched? I haven’t seen anything in their ISO damning enough for this.


seth do i have to tell you the glaring fucking hole in your logic


please explain

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Marshal Fossil 1/10
Zone_Q11 an_gorta_pratai 1/10
clonedcheese Alice, CRichard564, ModeShifter 3/10
Twil1ight Universal 1/10
Alice Marshal, Twil1ight, katze, Zone_Q11 4/10
Wazza PokemonKidRyan, Wazza 2/10
Currently abstaining Players Italy, oB_L1ght, clonedcheese, TheBlueElixir, EVO, SogMan, Magnus 7
Yell at me if there are any mistakes.

TI Gives Check.
TI Gets Lynched
It Flips Town, We have a Confirmed Lead

TI Gets Lynched Day 1
No Check
Flips Town, Town can slubber all up in my nubble.


what in active fuck is this