[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

get the only invest killed as medium
do marshal things

Well, I had a bit of a nap, Iā€™m now awake and Iā€™m gonna go to the shops to get a good drink.

@Wazza regarding my entrance, what about it is suspicious to you?
In the signups thread we had already talked about mechanics quite a fair bit sadly which took away that option to me.
Therefore I was left with the option to lead, try and promote discussion etc.

My biggest issue right now when it comes to you is how you keep throwing around your vote quickly back and forth, not keeping it for long enough to ever feel legitimate thus far.
I could expect these being pressure votes, however, if they are then you need to work on not making them so weakly formed.

Go on

On mobile now just logged in and read uo

Ok so the first thing I want yā€™all to do is easy.

Just do

/enter team gamer

Starting vote.

You didnā€™t do this very well.

I got nothinā€™ else to do, letā€™s just YEET my vote everywhere and make Jane want to murder me in cold blood.

I sniff rt

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/vote Marshal harder

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what about this could even be a RT

itā€™s about balancing trust vs. rational thought

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RTGameCrowd, most likely. A YouTuber/Twitch streamer.

Or is it RTGames?

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I was about to enter team gamer

But I thought that could be too convient to become gamer

Explain how this helps drastically or is that just what you want it to do

I saw that people did not mention one thing earlier, so Iā€™m going to take the opportunity to say it.

Based on the role list for this game, if you are a Town Protective or Town Support then you already take up 1 of the Random Town slots without needing to analyse any flips. Please bear this in mind when it comes to solving and fitting people into the right slots.

Also do note that I am not asking you to our yourselves right now. Like, please donā€™t. Just think about this.

dang good thing you put that last sentence I was about to out

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It is an RT.

You used exactly 3 Rā€™s but you used 7 Tā€™s, both of these are odd numbers.
7 - 3 = 4, which is an even number.
7 + 3 = 10, which is also an even number.
10 + 4 = 14, which is an age

Concluding, this is an RT directed towards 14 year olds.
One of the most youngest people on the forums are me, who is scumreading you.
What is my age? Boomā€¦You got it.

Marshal failed this RT. You got exposed.


Nobody should claim because there are more meat shields then non meat shields

but basically itā€™s a series of activities designed to promote town cohesion relying on rationality

Just something I thought Iā€™d try out.

Itā€™s designed to basically help people trust others and not go full dictator mode or preflip mode while still being able to read alignments


Darn well I guess I failed in that regard

/enter team gamer

I like where itā€™s going tho

iā€™d want at least like 3 other people to enter as well to maximise this

you idiot
you fell into our trap
/dayvig theblueelixir

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Well clearly I donā€™t know what RT means, then. So Iā€™m just going to go back to reading the thread.