[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Italy/EVO/CRich/Me/Marshal V likely V by claims.
Gorta/Seth/Blue/PKR V almost always V by reads.
Ob/Uni lighttown, less so on Ob.
Fossil strongly V with cloned W.
Zone lightwolf, Kat lighttown though likely 3p.
Tw1/Wazza/Cloned very likely to be wolves here. Pretty certain cloned’s a wolf.


Thank you. @Marshal, your turn.

Because I keep getting SPK’d n1. It’s not my fault that this game is full of mentally incompetent kids who have no idea how to play FM.

that would require Random Town to roll one of us, and vig to be last rando town

this reminds me of my Xbox Live days

Town Power - Mayor - CRichard
Town Investigative - EVO
Town Killing - Vet - Marshal
Random Town - Vigi - Wazza
Random Town - (Insert whoever the transporter was)
Random Town - Tracker - Alice
Citizen x6

Coven Head
Coven Power
Random Coven
Random Coven

Neutral Benign
Neutral Evil
Neutral Killer


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/vote ClonedCheese as I have said multiple times, I see worlds where either or turn up mafia. Due to Alice’s strength, I am willing to vote this to possibly confirm them.

Gorta and Seth claim Citizen as well.

It’s simple. Your attitude is seriously pissing me off and Marshal’s tunneling is putting me up to here with my patience. The fact that a lot of people actually think that I’m a wolf FPSing is frustrating me to no end.

Then don’t vote me and actually vote Cheese?

fine :roll_eyes:

Marshal/Italy/EVO/Crich/Seth/PKR/kat/wazza/cloned/tw1/sog all villagers.

gorta/blue/light/uni/zone null

alice/magnus/fossil wolf-concentrated

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I don’t doubt her opinion on Cloned, but that wont confirm her if he flips scum

I said I’m filling it out, assuming you’re both town.
Not that you are actually both town.
It’s hypothetical, not realistic.

Before my attitude ever came up you threw a child-like temper tantrum because marshal didnt catch your obscure signal

I wouldn’t confirm me for this. I’d rather hunt for the entire pack before this. Like, I have a fair amount of trs/mech so far so hunting shouldn’t be too hard.

In any case if cheese flips wolf, then that spews Alice as village.

Wait, what’s your case on Magnus? I know I’m wolf for defending Alice, but why Magnus? And why not Zone when he was blatantly defending Alice as well?

I know, but if it’s a 50/50 chance, which is as close as I can believe it to be, I’d rather come out the other end with a strong player than a low poster.



I’m going to say this.
IDK which, but I believe that at least 1 PR is lying.