[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

The lynch for today, currently, is Marshal.


Currently I think thatā€™s a bad plan because even if heā€™s scum at Lear heā€™s scum trying to get people playing

well basically I was going to have you each post images like say

ā€œpost something greenā€


ā€œpost an image of a chairā€

a few times to have yā€™all working towards the same thing, as a reminder that most of the people around you are working towards the same goal.

then Iā€™d have yā€™all each just say each others names to promote a sense of trust

and finally iā€™d have everyone share a read in as much detail as they could, and then each person gives their thoughts on it in an unbiased way, ignoring who actually said it and just address the points. With like 4 people doing this, hopefully it would spark discussion and that discussion specifically wouldnā€™t devolve into ad hominem

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Marshal is either town or whats the word, powerwolfing? Either way hes getting people active and I dont expect that to be a thing scum wants

like discussing reads with people you trust is how you refine them the best

and even if someone is scum, their points would still be looked at from an unbiased perspective and if they tried to plant BS hopefully it would be caught

but unfortunately my plan to create a judgement-free discussion of reads with only the actual points being focused on was quashed by an inherent lack of trust, which I guess is on me.

I could still try to repeat step 3 which is ā€œcreate judgement-free environment where the content of the reads is focused on and not the originā€, but without the ability to manufacture that environment, I fear it would be in vain

and now that I was not able to do that, thread has yet again died.

game has progressed so fucking little so far.

Im waiting for people like kat and alice to come on

but itā€™s crawling at a snailā€™s pace and with such low posts, the easiest reads like activity or meta reads are hard to apply

Like if this game had 3x the posts iā€™d probably have a pure 5-6 person towncore
but when there are only like 350 non-marshal posts that becomes hard


thoughts on what I was attempting to do?

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btw If i havenā€™t said it already, iā€™m not going to make scumreads or push anyone for lynch until the last 24 hours of today. I want to refine my towncore, but that is hard AF when nobody is posting

If i had to go off of what I have right now and the v pings iā€™ve gotten, iā€™d say that


is probably all villagers. but if there were just like 3x the posts from each of them iā€™d be able to refine this better

What you are trying to do is control the thread.

So you must be lynched,

I also want your reads.

In fact, the game would be a lot easier if it was more active and not just a string of my thoughts. Usually iā€™d be able to give those thoughts and discuss them, but right now all I can do is give them and no more.

this was done 1000 posts into the game

by then. I should have some good reads

Heading home now will post when back.
I do not believe much has happened though which means less to catch up on I suppose

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Marshal openwolfed.

I said I have stuff to catch up on. Not that I acquired temporary blindness or insanity.

Darnit, was kinda hoping.

ok so like 2 things.

a] my only 2 options are control thread or let thread be dead. Itā€™s easy to say iā€™m ā€œcontrolling threadā€ when iā€™m the only one posting, but my efforts are to get people to post. This thread would have way less posts if not for me and the game would be less progressed

b] You are right. I am controlling thread. wanting/taking thread control is not AI for me and I can give multiple town games where I have controlled thread or tried to at least. Itā€™s not a scum thing