[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

i fucked up the formatting but just go to the original post.

You win if it is just you and the Coven Head remaining.

If EVO is Coven Head, then Wazza loses.


or you can just kill everyone

that wincon is saying that in the rare case of a CL and Juggernaut being final 2, the Juggernaut would win

I have suspicions but gonna hold them until I read up

REEEEEE stop quickediting

angry Host noises


You didnā€™t bother to read the post about them saying what I said but said it badly.


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wtf does this sentence even mean

Seth what is this

This is beyond wrong.

nvm, when more people get on ping me, im not gonna go back and forth with seth

Yes, and Seth acknowledges that it isnā€™t necessarily scum AI.

You might do this internally all the time, but Seth has a point: You donā€™t vocalize it. It looks like an attempt to throw shade while giving yourself an escape if the lynch happens. Sog seems to have a habit of vocalizing his every thought and not considering how other could perceive itā€¦which is actually town AI. Scum tend to be more careful about what they say. Common misconception.

This looks like a town v town shadetoss, nothing more. Both players are trying to decipher whether the other is pushing for a ML.

Ugh thereā€™s more in your post I wanna dissect by Iā€™m getting wife aggro.

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Iā€™m gonna go ahead and say Sog is pretty much just town

Due to the replacement in my Scum Read on them is fading and is not high anymore.

What would we be going back and forth about exactly?

Iā€™m also pretty sure the team is something along the lines of Geyde/Evo/Mode

Less sure on Mode

My interaction with EVO should tell you we ainā€™t W/W.
Unless I Bussed my entire scum team.

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Do you feel their interactions are forced? Iā€™m not getting that vibe tbh

Whoā€™s NB by the way?
Because at this point Iā€™m beginning to think itā€™s GA with a Coven Target.

Wazza: Claims NK
Most people: Confused look, cautionary votes
Seth: Doesnā€™t vote Wazza, says how Wazza is townread and Un-CCd TK slot

Since Wazza claims non-TK, this confirms that our real TK is hiding.