[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

I do more than exist… I hella exist

so you think that he redirected someone else? Because I don’t see why the CL wouldn’t redirect someone, and that was probably the best choice

The only reason i CC’ed is because i thought Alice was fakeclaiming otherwise i wouldn’t done that.

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Correct, and no, I’d say it’s relevant. They wanted Italy out of the way as assumed trans.

I’m refocusing on my contentious zone

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Yea, pretty much.

I don’t know, i’m not a Coven Leader.

Derps shade claim makes sense since they were seemingly trying to aggravate my slot

feels like a no-brainer though.

Also, with the Italy death, im confident that the Coven don’t have any way to at least consistently occupy

this means I don’t think there is an actual poisoner, though I guess that was obvious

wazza’s “vig” claim was disputed at several points iirc and they called it a meme at others

on d1 at least

sorry but when did ANYBODY dispute Wazza’s claim d1?

dispute is the wrong word
you may actually have a point about the n1 action

what the fuck is so hard for you guys to know that I AM NK.

You guys seriously just love overthinking things.

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I don’t think Coven have anyone that can occupy. For instance, me outed TI wasn’t occupied if Wazza was occupied someone would already stepped in by now.

People like to overthink cuz “lolreasons”.

Is coven factional kill usable alongside other actions?

Yes it is.

wazza if you have any intention, which I know you’ll deny rn, to recind your claim and it doesn’t happen before the halfway point in the day, ill get you killed

or at least try, anyway

yep, pretty sure of that

Yeah it is.

Anyone can use it so killing EVO won’t avoid a nightkill.