[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

To be fair, the safe way on Day 2 is probs the best way.

the safe way isnt even that safe though, town ends up with exactly majority

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. I donā€™t like how a vocal few bullies are trying to control the town plan to let the NK free kill tonight, expecting them to kill Derps. Would that situation be ideal? Maybe, but its just not a guarantee.

Iā€™m ok with hanging EVO, though. If thatā€™s the general consensus, fine.

  1. what slot are you
  2. who are you townreading

I donā€™t think the wolves have a lot of thread control


My reads right now have beenā€¦rough. I thought Derps was actually town until he claimed he wasnā€™t.

However, Iā€™m confident that you/ Twilight/Zone/Seth are town socially.

The way I see it - Weā€™re at 10 townies, 4 coven, NB and NK.

Lynch EVO - CL - Coven kills someone, Wazza kills SDA, and PKR kills Wazza. - 9 v 3.
Lynch EVO - CL - Coven kills someone, Wazza is not Jugg and kills someone, - 8 v 3 v 1 v 1
Lynch EVO - CL - Coven kills someone, Wazza kills town, and PKR kills Wazza. - 8 v 3 v 1
Lynch EVO - Lookout (which is a mafia role, iirc) - Coven kills someone, Wazza kills SDA, and PKR kills Wazza - 8 v 4 v 1
Lynch EVO - Lookout - Coven kills someone, Wazza kills town, and PKR kills Wazza - 7 v 4 v 1
Lynch EVO - Lookout - Coven kills someone, Wazza kills town, and has night defense - 7 v 4 v 1 v1

@TheBlueElixir Iā€™m curious as to where youā€™re getting Covenā€™s second night kill from.

cl forces PKR to shoot a town, thats two kills

cl gets their factional kill

I agree with this assessment, mostly. Town can incorrectly control a game though. Iā€™ve been guilty of controlling a game incorrectly as town before.

I donā€™t know. I guess thereā€™s a good chance EVO pops coven and we DO need to thin numbers, but the thought of another ML irks me.

@TheBlueElixir soā€¦ logicallyā€¦ weā€™d get rid of presumed CL???

in my theoretical where we lynch CL EVO,

coven and nk get the two kills, the third is a vig shot

Wouldnā€™t it be an 8 v 3 v 1? Did you factor in whether or not Wazza kills SDA?

Vig shooting town would be an extra death for town, too.

oh yep it would be 8 v 3 v 1

Iā€™m not going to try to control the nk though


ā€¦ah, so thatā€™s why you want more time. Very well. Interrogate everyone as long as you wish.

Request denied, BUT! I take back my words. Do not vote EVO yet.

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Ill tell you what: When the time is right, re-ping me and ill slam EVO IF ITS THE GENERAL CONSENSUS. Hanging Coven here is ideal over NK because we gotta thin numbers, but it HAS TO BE a guaranteed Coven hang.

/vote EVO :^)

@Possessed itā€™s time.

No its definitely not