[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

True but i don’t want potentially let live CL, Town loses much more if he is and i don’t want take the gamble in case it end up being correct.

Two Townies dies no matter the scenario except if EVO is CL there would be at least one more

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There’s actually more deaths if we leave CL alive and also less info from the flip

d1 I should’ve defended Alice, but I didn’t under pressure, despite me not being able to support an argument myself against her. I don’t want to make the same mistake.

so you think there is a cl that didn’t red. a vig claim, for fear of transporter. So we have the vig/nk claim hit the CL, and you believe the nk found the CL and then told the truth. Its STILL relying on the NK being honest, which he has openly admitted he wants to kill town.

he doesn’t know fi he is red., and as ive stated this is only if a cl spawned.

and if EVO is LO we lose. and you want it hammered

EVO is NEVER LO. Stop making stupid assumptions for no reason.

Oh EVO WILL be lynched today.
So Coven doesn’t maintain majority.

I don’t really think it’s a question of if they’re coven, it’s a question of if they’re coven leader

If EVO was actual LO they would have been on Mayor.

Or any other PR claim instead they gone for someone random

Im starting to think EVOs lack of care or defense is scum AI.

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Vote EVO.

what’s EVO at

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If you want to prove your not Group scum with EVO and Universal

Are we ready to end day?

For me I am

and this is because

  1. NK said so
  2. bad investigation last night

again, only 1 of those are valid

if we lynch a coven, like a normal coven, with a cl in game,

10 v 3 v 1 v 1, we get 4 nightkills(Wazza+cl red.+factional)

6 v 3 v 1 v 1 and maj is 6

is this a good situation?

Uni’s defense of themselves from a glance seems particularly AI
Along with there being a sizeable contesting against current nightplan