[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

I personally think NK is in Gorta/Derps and that’s kinda where I want to vote since Stalker scares the shit out of me.

PKR would be pulling a HUGE brain NK move but like I’ve said before…NKs need to play risky to win games. So I’m not ruling him out.

Why does that remove someone of PoE though?

My PoE is literally everyone who is unconfirmed. So, that means, SDA, Possessed, Zone, Mode, Gorta, and PKR if he doesn’t shoot cloned. There is one scum in that list.

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If we lynch Cheese PKR won’t be able to shoot Magnus.

Magnus is FEARMONGER who’s been roleblocking PKR.

We need to lynch Magnus first then PKR Shoots ClonedCheese.

We need to get rid of Coven as fast as we can.

If we lynch Cheese all we will be doing is taking longer to get rid of coven allowing stalker to pick up more kills.

It’s so uncharacteristic of a play
I’m not completely clearing them for it

Don’t forget what Zone said when he subbed in.

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Geyde SirDerpsAlot 1/6
Magnus ModeShifter 1/6
Clonedcheese Zone_Q11 1/6
Currently abstaining Players oB_L1ght, an_gorta_pratai, Geyde, clonedcheese, Possessed, PokemonKidRyan, Magnus 7


PKR can’t shoot with Magnus alive.
That’s why he didn’t shoot last night nor the night before.

Also, /vote Magnus. Simple enough.

Not sure if you guys noticed but Magnus should have died last night. PKR isn’t Vig.

PKR is real Vigilante because he doesn’t hard push EVO and become the reason EVO was lynched.

I’d wait to make a call until pkr comes back to thread

It’s plausible to me that pkr would be stalked on d2 after their claim

so I don’t want to make a plan that hedges on them being alive

If Magnus is truly fearmongerer… kill him, and PKR is free to shoot. Duh.

I’ve also took into consideration that TBE is Shapeshifter, in which case the game is already won with Cloned/Magnus.
But from LO Results, TBE is Legit.

Legit Vigilante.

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Geyde SirDerpsAlot 1/6
Magnus ModeShifter, oB_L1ght 2/6
Clonedcheese Zone_Q11 1/6
Currently abstaining Players an_gorta_pratai, Geyde, clonedcheese, Possessed, PokemonKidRyan, Magnus 6

Going for the safe path, huh? But why is Magnus specifically Fearmonger? Had your reason been “Magnus voted Alice, didn’t vote Magnus, etc.” then it would’ve made much more sense to me.

Geyde is scoooom