[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!


Derps vs Poss is incredibly frustrating to choose between

Fossil was pretty much null since they didnā€™t do much that definitely comes from town. They have decent associations with not wanting to lynch Alice but not wanting to lynch TI claim is reasonable for towncred reasons
Derps adds nothing to make this easier unless you blindly follow meta clears

Sog had a stilted opener and really gave off impression that they were trying to fit in at the start
Poss tone feels good, but their actions are fancy in a way Iā€™d expect scum Poss to do

I kind of liked this post
Otherwise nothing stuck out as particularly ai

I liked Sog the more I read of them

To be fair Iā€™m always extra

Does fossil like playing town more than nontown

Iā€™m trying to make a call but I donā€™t feel great either way

Fuck it Iā€™m going to go all in on Poss being nk

Wait no I take that back
Going other direction


You win if every other living Player is Stalked.

Thatā€™s the Stalkers Win con

Yep, you donā€™t need to kill town though. @ChopChop

If youā€™re Stalker, then weā€™re all good.

Ob are you a pr claim
Question mark



I am not. Why?


Iā€™m just figuring out if PKR could be scum

guess what iā€™ve been trying to say for the last x minutes

ill give you 5 more