[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

Good bye lad

good shooting you


Welcome in lad

your pfp looks like Areteā€™s at a glance

not sure how I would take that comment but I wrote that

this game was great though

Stalker class itself is weird. You donā€™t get kills early so you gotta slide out of nooses for 2 days until you can limit the game size. Then even after that, some of your previous Stalks can be dead already (for me those were Universal, CRich and Zone) so youā€™re not getting kills anyway. You can only last so long as NK until youā€™re found, and id have had a hard time surviving if I donā€™t have 3 targets left to Stalk/Die (PKR/Magnus/SDA were my last three so I made sure to keep the lynch in SDA/PKR and marked Magnus last). Its actually not as easy as it looksā€¦like if my stalked targets would keep getting hung Iā€™d be caught eventually.

Sogs stalk on you was unintentionally awesome, and my stalk on Geyde was great too. So many variables went right for me, including Cloned outting Stalker (who I never actually stalked but I guess poisoned me) to get hung there. Then Cloned showing he was stalked which implicated PKR because why would Poisoner poison me anyways? Justā€¦it was the perfect storm.

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Coven linked the souls of Geyde and Cloned

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Oh and Twilight would have exposed me. And if TBE lived or PKR was able to Vig, I might eventually get caught too.

Holy hell I was worried I was night-occupied but that makes sense now.

Like honestly Thatā€™s why I played the end game so carefully. I thought Iā€™d have to work harder because my other stalks didnā€™t go through. Then Seth exposed me and I was like, ā€œMeh fuck it, lets just get this over withā€¦maybe I can at least help Magnus winā€ and I was pleasantly surprised.

Oh and if Stalker could win with town id STILL not do it @Aelin :stuck_out_tongue:

Ill actively throw away a wincon as scum just for a CHANCE town loses.


Butā€¦ town usually loses, no?

Its probably pretty even.

There are some good town win streaks here? Im currently on a 2 town win streak.


nice work Possessed

Stalker is a weird class, and you and sog made the best of it

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I have to admit Possessed. You did well winning this game.

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Town as a whole didnā€™t really play bad. Likeā€¦besides the Alice lynch and the PKR lynch it was all scum lynches. All Coven was found and no scum was allowed to enter towncore.


Probably the one thing I shouldnā€™t have done is claim Mayor D1. Thatā€™s on me.

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100% no reason to claim it other than to CC a claim, which you didnā€™t. You have a day reveal so if youā€™re ever pushedā€¦boom reveal.

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The PoE from Alice/Twi was insane

Twi had a 4 person PoE in their logs, and it was you and the last 3 coven which was insane

but alas we never dealt with nk. It was discussed every day, but d1 we werenā€™t worried, d2 Wazza claimed nk, d3 we discuss some more, and d4 Cheese claims nk

and so the deaths just kinda kept rolling in. Mightve worked better if we didnā€™t have 2 death d1, so we had more people for you to have to stalk

good work though

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You live and you learn, though. Thatd be the only downfall for town this gameā€¦giving too much info too early.

TBE and Geyde held onto their claims well, though.

woulda been pog if the first message of the game was your reveal

This is my first time as Mayor here. Though I did find Universal as Coven by reading his voting pattern.