[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

I get what you mean but that specific line didn’t feel forced

what did feel forced what the later memes when marshal was trying to get things moving and katze pushes it to the side


I don’t feel like you did alice

I have been really busy with personal matters lately so I haven’t been able to focus on this game yet

I don’t make any promises in terms of being able to meta analyze anytime tonight, but I hope to, and if I do, I plan to do Alice first.

please tell me every site and username you’ve ever played FM on that is not here.
Every alt as well.
Thank you.

I’m going to re-attempt meta on alice that I tried before (and bungled supremely) in Marson.

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I mean I did get angry and called for Marshal to be hanged, so that’s on me.

Read my post ISO and you’ll see what I mean.

Thinking PKR is likely V rn. The skepticism is a pretty good look and wolves don’t try to revive dead-ish threads like this.

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can you address this real quick?

I feel like you missed the point of that post

how did you come across that post in particular anyways

I only read the first post, tbh. I’m reading the rest of the thread rn, but I have to agree that Katze here has been pretty… noticable, to put it plainly.

Mafia Universe and here, just that.

its been an interesting day N.1. read up when you can, even if its not soon

(qe: to alice now) oh and your the only person(besides me) who doesn’t have PKR in PoE

most attacks on them I didn’t think were strong which is why for me their not in it and they’ve acted townie

I know you have at least a few alts on MU. tell me all of them.

See you keep saying we agree but like

I don’t think we are entirely seperated

and I never really said kat was noticable either?


unless you are thinking of like a different person

Disappointment here looks genuine. I don’t think he’d be this disappointed had he rolled scum if his reaction to the end of SFoL60 is something to go by.

do I just not exist now?

I mean the vibes. Katze’s opening made me go “HMMMMMMMMMMM” as well. Just not a “HMMMMMMM, probs V tho” as I still haven’t read much of the thread.

darn did you take him out of your PoE

missed that

Was he ever in my PoE?

no he was just in like 70% of PoE’s I shouldn’t have phrased what I did the way I did

A premature readlist is… a very WTF look for Wazza, tbh.

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