[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

God that reminds me of the time I talked in Krillins stream and someone said: “Hey girl.” In the most simpy voice ever.

How exactly is my tone here different than say RM4 or FoL27?

Katze is a time traveller from the future! Unfortunately Stephen Hawking died before his dream was achieved. D:

Anyway uh what did I miss?

Shall we start with the bad parts 1st Wazza?

Yeah would be nice

Well my posts between myself and Marshal are well … interesting to look at.

You seem more reasonable here.

Just your instant willingness to accept your faultiness on the wazza and kat thing feels genuine

It might just be because it’s a breath of fresh air, but I’m liking your posts and it all seems to… flow


Jeez read my other posts

This is reasonable.

ur reasonable

I meant why the sudden shift form PKR to Marshall?

I literally said that to pressurise Marshal and PKR wasn’t in the thread.
In a later post I stated No Posters, No-Content Posters, PKR, Marshal and Gorta to be the PoE for the day

Because D1 im always wavy when I have no clue what’s even going on

Marshal was controlling the thread, I didn’t like that

Why make this assumption?

Meh, fear of powerwolfing seems like a villagery though.

who isn’t in the category though

besides me?

at the time