[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!


There it is.


Confirm to me that this isnā€™t an FPS and youā€™re the actual NB?

Itā€™s why I donā€™t like Wazza and clonedā€™s votes on him. Like, both of them know that Seth does a bunch of dumb anti-town shit as town, so it feels like theyā€™re not bothering to read him and write it off as a PL.

Hmmm I have both of them as null reads.


PKR is going to be annoyed at you Alice for not reading his posts. Waiting for it 3ā€¦2ā€¦1ā€¦

I want to make sure.

doesnā€™t sound like heā€™s claiming NB

but who knows :eyes:

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PKR has to be claiming double. Only he would know the NB is double and he has to be the Double if that is so.

I mean, anyone can claim NB

Like me

Iā€™m the angel :slight_smile:

you fools

it is I

the cupid

omg how are u cupid if im nb lol!

No im the nb!

if u r reel tho, post yourā€™e classcard for frii vbuxs!!!

Can I get those in Robux plz


gurdin angel
protec ur person
ur person iz [x]

theres my classcard gimme vbux

At this point, anyone else who claims to NB except PKR is probably memeing right now.

I mean if we take the memeing thing far enough, anyone might wonder if my Mayor claim is memeing too.

given youā€™re not historically known for memeing, i doubt it

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ROBLOX FREVR NOOB, but thatā€™s enough memeing for me