[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

I’m not jailor
but me not being able to read you still holds true

there’s ways but they’re unorthodox

Marshals gut has had a decent record though so maybe it’s not as hard as I thought

If kat isnt town they are like… definitely exe here

basically… i’ll be wary of any “redchecks” they may or may not have tommorow

congrats you passed my first rt

I figured coven would take a guess and have it half right on purpose

but townies wouldn’t see why they should take a wild guess

Interesting read

Is it because I’m claiming exe

Cause it’s fun


I could see it possibly as a signal

so if you do any blatantly exe-like plays
I’ll have my eyes on u


when u see this

do u have any thought on the composition magnus wagon?

pretty sure Alice said earlier that sog was the only person she thought was sus on that wagon

so run me through the “kat is town” of your read

what am I doing differently that your vibecheck isn’t weirding out at, and do you think I can do that deliberately for the sake of your vibe

all of these basically have the vibe of you trying to figure out the game. Like, this is the image-vibe on you. Like how I feel you are playing. This is the same vibe I got in evo mafia (and you still did a bunch of weird memes like you’ve done here).


Now I think almost all of this is fakeable, though not easily. However this post’

I do not think is fakeable because it infiltrated what usually would just be a relaxed post. Similar to my read on you in RM4. Your behavior was shown at like a micro-level and so I think you are being genuine here


In those other games, you were a lot looser, and clearly didn’t care about solving that much. You tried to exert thread control, lots of times through memes, and used it to push a strange agenda.

Here, it’s the opposite. You aren’t making a bid for thread control here. You care more about analysis and that’s easy to see.

didn’t change the player count lockscum

im skimming through katze’s ISO

oh and marshal made a good post about his thoughts on you

though I still don’t have a good read

nod nod

not exactly what i was looking for or expecting

but it checks out

one more question

what do you think my motivation is behind claiming executioner? you can answer this in a two part answer (a world where i am, and a world where i’m not) or however else you’d like

where you are, it’s a signal most likely. Potentially hoping to rally votes for a CFD that the coven will know flips town?

If you aren’t… probably no motivation there. You could be memeing. or nb. I guess you could be nb. You aren’t playing how I think a NK-you would play, but if you are a cupid or Double I could see it

I think your EoD will be telling if it’s a or b

I was reading through katze’s ISO to get an idea of katze

but now I want to shift gears to the odd conversation between marshal and katze’s reads

marshal says katze says hmmm
alice says katze is hmm, therefore agreeing
marshal explains that that isn’t called agreeing, its slightly different
alice agrees with marshal anyway

I think that’s how it went im going to look it over now but it was awkward

marshal and alice’s reads on katze

nvm i just had one more question

what do you think about my activity levels this game

do you think it’s NAI

you don’t have activity tells

so yes

unless you are some form of nb

why would i be less active as a NB

FoL27 and, to a lesser extent, RM4, showed that i have no problems being active as a neutral