[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

unless Alice is FPSing, which i wont believe even if she does say she is

Hold the fuck up

maybe there is something off about me

or maybe its that im new

but i think this is thrilling

Aside from this Alice/Marshal situation, has anything else happened?

Youā€™re both fake fuckers! Iā€™m TK

there can be multiple with RT

Vet is unique

and ur an idiot

TK can spawn in a RT spot

so unless ur a vet claim that doesnā€™t matter

Iā€™ve been off for a little over 2 days now and so itā€™s a bit disorientating coming back to 1700+ posts xP

Nice to meet you, we got a 3-way

ā€¦are you claiming vet?

Iā€™m kidding, Iā€™m Vig, forgot about RT

im almost ready to say wazza is exe with marshal as target for that

but im not ready to say that

oh nvm he got a new claim

Iā€™ll shoot the other one who isnā€™t lynched today if one of them flip Town

welcome to: somebody claims for no reason, part 1.


Nah Iā€™m just letting yā€™all know Iā€™ll shoot the other

This post irks me for some reason. Will reeval after thunderdome ig.

Yeah, I could see this being really anti-town really soon, we dont need any more D1 claims, but it may be too late

Ugh when i get off work can some of you be as active as you are now (get off in 3ish hours)

tho iā€™m good with that plan

even if I think you coulda just done thatā€¦ without claiming

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Jfc wazza

For a second there I thought you called me an idiot ;-;