[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

The fact that it’s funny you usually replace out as scoom but replaced into scoom slot

fair fair

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
SogMan ModeShifter, Magnus, CRichard564, oB_L1ght 4/9
oB_L1ght SirDerpsAlot 1/9
Currently abstaining Players Wazza, Zone_Q11, Twil1ight, an_gorta_pratai, Geyde, clonedcheese, TheBlueElixir, EVO, SogMan, PokemonKidRyan, Universal 11

@clonedcheese sorry, for some reason your wallpost only showed up when I manually ISO’d you.

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for real this time
good night everyone

try not to QL sogman

let people talk before shits happen

Then again a Sogman flip will give us quite a bit of info in the likely scenario he flips evil. Seth is softing a red check on Sogman.

he’s been doing it since D1 lmao

I think it’s just sethtunnel

I can say I’m locktown
But that probably doesn’t mean anything

also why word it as scoom
are you being serious or is this a joke post

No it’s serious

give me like a day
it should be obvious by eod


Can we hammer at not 2 am btw

Also fuck whoever did this shit

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MMm if cloned is scum he has no self-preservation instincts, so I’m fine with letting that sizzle for now. Readlist is okay, only has like 1.5 scumleans though.

then you’re muted

My scoom read grows

/Vote Geyde

I’m reading that like “nyoom” like cars racing by just “scyoooom”

could you explain where your head has been at this game
A quick skim through your iso just doesn’t hit my vibe like it usually does

I was amiss mentioning a 5th scenario explaining why we only have Coven night kill.
Someone was attacked by NK and healed last night.

2:34 on the clock, time to clock out. Assuming there is substantial activity by the time I wake up, I will do another full ISO/readlist. Night, all.