[FM] Town of Salem 2 - Stalker, Executioner, and Shade win!

making a bold call
I don’t think Uni is groupscum because of their interaction with Twi
It’s a chainsaw from N.1, but they really have stuck to their guns in terms of progression
Not hard sold town since they haven’t interacted with large part of game yet

Nothing choppy

I’ll just call mode town
It’s probably safe enough

Is it bad that Seth acting like a wolf is literally grounds for a townread?

I’m starting to understand why he asked my to be his hydra partner

Seth’s behavior in this game is similar in my past two games with him and he was town in both cases.
Based on his meta, I’d say he is town.

this is what it looks like now (+ my slot)

I don’t try to read the slot
I let other people read it and tell me what the slot is

Also, I should point out that I had my reasons for pushing Italy, but then flipping Cit makes 100% more sense.


Welp. Alice was right yet again, and killed yet again. …TIME TO NUKE BOTH CHEESE AND EVO

/vote clonedcheese

I felt like most of thread direction was being guided around by marshal, which isn’t great grounds for thread based reads
If I had to take a shot in the dark I’d say scum weren’t the main decision makers in those talks based off the people I have cleared so far

top 5 posters are pretty townie (maybe minus wazza, haven’t really read that slot) + my slot being confirmed town from my pov is an interesting look

I said it before and I’ll say it again. Italy has been LHF in every game I’ve played with him so far.

Also @Italy, congratulations on randing town this time.

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
SogMan ModeShifter, Magnus, CRichard564, oB_L1ght 4/9
Geyde SirDerpsAlot 1/9
clonedcheese Zone_Q11 1/9
Currently abstaining Players Wazza, Zone_Q11, Twil1ight, an_gorta_pratai, Geyde, TheBlueElixir, EVO, SogMan, PokemonKidRyan, Universal 10

EVO is… a weird case, imo.

Italy flipping cit clears up a RT slot for TI to fill.

this post is wack
does anyone have meta on fossil

because they just exist in thread and added almost nothing to it from my pov

Fossil was hardly there, then they subbed out @Geyde

I’m talking about meta from their previous games
This behavior doesn’t vibe with me here, but there’s not that much to go on

They were a little less active than in NUF FM, but real life can account for that.