[FM] Valkyria Chronicles Forum Mafia - signups thread - (29/29)




Join? :eyes:


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Join? :smile: What happened to you Livi? :thinking:

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not really

I would shoot at my scum buddies there’s like 1/100 chance of dying I’ll take it

I don’t know if the ITA chance would necessarily be public, however it’s still revealed information. Just saying you can WIFOM it, doesn’t diminish it.

I thought you said 1%

Doesn’t mean that the host would tell us. :eyes:

but like you can’t just change your rules of saying it’s town sided with 1%

sure host could just not tell us

If 20 ITA shots fail in a row, something would be amiss however this argument is pointless anyways. Why don’t you recruit some people litten. :slight_smile:


Come play mafia again. :eyes:

@Frostwolf103 Come mystify this game please. It’s always a pleasure.

I would but I don’t know anything about this game so I don’t

I don’t know anything about this game either. We’d be in the same boat. I’m sure it’s fine. It’s still mafia at its core.

Alright then /join

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Come back in? :eyes: :thinking:

I’m kinda pissed off about FMs at this point because I always get called scum no matter what I do

But that’s kind of how it always goes. :confused: If you’re not being pushed on at any moment at all in a forum game, then town are playing poorly.

Maybe you’ll roll an innocent child ability. You never know. :eyes:

You might miss out on this iconic game otherwise.

Easy solution

Don’t care if people call you scum.
Just start solving. There’s little point in debating about why you aren’t scum ect and the main goal is to find scum. If someone calls you scum just respond okay and keep doing what you are doing. The only point I would start to care is if you are the leading wagon near the end of the day or just the leading wagon with a lot of votes.

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I do wish to be an Innocent Child though