Nope still gone
Speaking of AWOL peeps
Rip NightX you will be forever in our hearts
Where tf did he go did he just die
Legit wouldn’t be shocked if he did
I think his Discord was deleted iirc
So probably not, fortunately
If there will be 1 more person there will be a bonus mwchanic. If not… Too bad.
We can get that
Hey Eevee just in your own game what’s the worst that can go wrong?
I swear if this game starts while I’m in class, I’m gonna kick your ass
H-hey! That rhymes!
This game development was helped by Mantichora, Metrion and Amrock.
I believe I managed to do calculated trainwreck.
@Kirefitten ^ that
Even without bonus mechanics and without events (to limit spoilers)
It’s easily most complicated game I made.
Beating FeH.
And also much less work requiring one then FeH (never again).
oh god help us all
When does this start by the way?
When I return from work and decide to not wait for 1 more person.
I may have somebody coming