[FM] Valkyria Chronicles Forum Mafia - signups thread - (29/29)

: P

Same here, fam. I have no idea about any of the VC games, but I was forced to be here :confused:

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oof autocorrect made a typo

fuck autocorrect

Mm… Is she now? For me, I like Largo, Vyse and Hannes the most. Long live Shocktroopers!

Hey uh… How long is Day and Night Phase?
Also, do we start with N0 or D1?

10 months / 2 months

We start on D1

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probably 48/24

Fine, 48 months / 24 months

Effective 4/2 in years.


(!) Icibalus will remember this.

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To be honest, as long as there is a stable form of communication, then I wouldn’t mind playing for years.
It’s a nice way to get to know with you all after all, isn’t it?


My adhd won’t allow me to be In this game for a year

you say that but the prospect of hidden traitors tends to put a dampener on friendly conversation

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wait this reminds me

There’s literally a game on MU that’s called the longest game ever and it’s been running for years now I think

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Hm… Well, having a nice talk is not a bad thing for me though.
Plus, if we do get to talk with everyone including the traitors, then the fun of getting betrayed would be SUBLIME!

…damn, now I want to join that game, but I don’t think that is ever possible.

You could always sub Incase someone leaves

Do you have the link?



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How long do you have to be inactive for to be force replaced?

Check it out yourself? I don’t know