[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Because flipping scum is such an objectively better use of Day 1 than acting out of fear and self-preservation and playing into the hands of the Mafia that there really is no option.

In FM, you need to find the scum. We can’t do that if we all gang up on the Reporter, who dies tonight anyways.

Some people keep on saying that I kept on defending PKR, but that’s not the case. I only asked what was the involvement of PKR with FK’s claim. If you would to show otherwise, do so now

The reporter isn’t only dying
The reporter is giving scum 2 vig shots to use whenever they want, wherever they want and without failrates.

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Your VC is crap, I’m voting you right now

More specifically, you only started to comment on me after I have incriminated PKR. Your tone is way overly polite and you have been trying to justify a vote of yours on me by watching when my reasoning would fail.

How is self-preservation over winning a good argument

When I answer, I want to be able to quote things if needed. I am on mobile. I shouldn’t even be online

Better yet, everybody on Fire’s wagon answer that.

How is saving one life better than catching one scum?

If they were a bodyguard you’d be celebrating that trade.

You didn’t incriminate me because that makes it sound like you confirmed me as scum
You merely accused me when, as I’ve mentioned many times, my role is far more likely town to any extent of logic. Or is at worst a form of survivor.

wow thanks I didn’t know humans were infallible vote count machines.

Think about it - at the end of the day, this is merely a one-for-one trade.

Fire took a scum shot, and gives them two. Net loss? One town.

But lynching scum today pushes us so much closer to victory than running away with our tails tucked between our legs will ever do.

…so in the end you made it so everyone has to choose between “self-preservation” and “scumhunting”?
…people might laugh at me for choosing this, but I choose self-preservation. I know scumhunting is a very essential part of simply being town, but when I think of Firekitten… I can’t help but anchor my vote on him even more. I dislike flip-flopping people. I really do.

I am tired now. I have written ny arguments five times. I have read your arguments as well, but I can’t let myself not vote Firekitten, who clearly doesn’t answer us even though his role is an open secret. There is also the possibility that the message was fake (I doubt it) or his role isn’t the Reporter… but honestly? I am just tired of this.

Fire is flavorfully aligned with Gallia only. Their wincon is of a neut.

You know, you’ve done nothing but throw shade at other people instead of contributing to the bigger picture. Plus, you want to start associations early so that you can get at least one mislynch on your belt. What about everyone else? What do you think about them?

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Then why the hell are you still answering my posts?

@Kirefitten you argued before that all the edits to your card were to rectify a loophole… However, where would editing in you as Gallia faction be “editing in a loophole”, it seems more nonsensical to me

So I ask you

Are you gonna sheep the scum and let them have their way, just because you’re afraid of dying?

Or will you be a part of winning this game, overcoming the odds, and pushing for a better tomorrow like a real soldier?

The game has a Valkyria Chronicles theme. Don’t throw away every message of the game because you’re afraid of getting shot.

I dunno. I like you since you’re not mindlessly pushing without cease and instead you’re considering many people. Also, I happen to like Ninja and you’re someone from their forum so I like you by association

The reporter is from gallia in the game