[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Firekitten recognized that when I pointed it out and replied with a “do you think I am this dumb”
Firekitten recognized it was a bad gambit.
Firekitten didn’t stop with the gambit.

I can safely say that FK is either neutral evil or scum.
Because FK wanted town to die.

@TeenierTub answer my question please
Is your card blue or yellow?
(One is for both town,the other isn’t)

If that is true, he wouldn’t have asked me to ISO Math

Firekitten caught you.

Stop with the “town is so dumbbbb!!!” reactions when it is you two who aren’t reading properly.

What do you think of Merc?

Math or merc are the only viable lynches today

Stop locking yourselves in your echo chambers jesus christ.

Your scum AI is obviously showing and your logic is heavily flawed. You have no right to call me a dumbass

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Everything you say is so scummy and indicative of yourself being in an echo chamber

fun fact I played Scar in the lion king as a play, ignore this comment it’s useless


I am not calling you a dumbass.
Tell the court what is my scum AI and where it is showing.
Tell me where my logic is heavily flawed.


Or FireKitten

Merc is town because my scumreads are pushing Merc

They want the two vigs or Kitten is just scum
When I hard say no they push me

It’s simple

They want their mislynch of which Merc has no case

Like I really have to go please

In news media, echo chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system. By visiting an “echo chamber”, people are able to seek out information which reinforces their existing views, potentially as an unconscious exercise of confirmation bias. This may increase political and social polarization and extremism.[1] The term is a metaphor based on the acoustic echo chamber, where sounds reverberate in a hollow enclosure.

Another emerging term for this echoing and homogenizing effect on the Internet within social communities is cultural tribalism.[2]

You keep.saying the same thing over again and it isn’t true

Hard defending your scum buddy I see?
Alright, that’s it!
/vote Math

Kitten is just scum. Luxy is either just scum or reporter.
Do you think it is better to lynch scum or reporter?

Squid are all obvtown so try again merc

He also refused to die for amazing town info, fyi.

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