[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

i think we did

What do you mean “pushed by maf”?
He deserves it!
…wait, as in confirmed maf or unconfirmed maf?
If it is the latter, then who are the main suspects aside from me?

@NinjaPenguin, you still haven’t answered me.

Landzaat, I wish you could pardon me.

Afraid so, it couldnt be coincidence.

  1. Are these all FK voters?
  2. lol, you have Ninja and then Penguin.


Icibalus, Solic, Margaret, Zone, Ninja, Sam and Soul could be mafia.

Three mafia died, what is he on about.

I am on a good mood (and a tad bit bored).
If anyone can answer this question, then I might reconsider my tunneling.

…huh. Who would’ve guessed that my worst enemy of tunneling wouldn’t be anyone’s arguments, but my own boredom.

knowing eevee Landzaat actually may not be even in the game and just be a fakeclaim

Firekitten was pushed by the confirmed mafia Alice, and had the confirmed mafia Hjasik on their wagon.

Mm… Ignoring myself, there are four suspects of being scum…
…wait a minute. @Margaret, you are there too!?
What was your reason!?

> margaret is my scumread
color me surprised.

So let me get this straight.
FK did some weird FPS (which is considered as flip-flopping by myself), and it failed.
By EOD, scum had already pushed him, so town needed someone else.
That second victim was MathBlade.
…is this correct?

town marg would have done some shit as shooting Squid
this marg is only trying to pass under the radar.
this is not town marg.

Cuz we believed FK was reporter, easy

The wagon that was on me moved to MathBlade.

I had null reads, but I might target her Tonight…


Target me pls

I could solve this mess right now if I was not going to get mislynched.