[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

My first voters were town for almost sure, they got out of their way to turn the focus back to me. My last voters were sheeping the first ones and much more likely to flip wolf.

Don’t be, feel free to comment.

Wrong! Not to me.

Okay, so what scum is pushing your wagon?

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Such as? Names plz lol

There’s vocal evidence to support my Vote on Merc, thanks to Margaret.

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The strange thing is that 2/3 of top scumreads (Ninja, Margaret, Sam) aren’t on this. Icibalus had basically entered enough just to give some push to the wagon that was not blatantly sheeping.

I think the wolves are now foccused on distancing, defending and self-preservation. The three aren’t posting much and the emperor had given two defensive orders (charging through the flames and all units defend). By this logic Datbird can also be mafia.

CTtF could be enough to scare town from voting (alongside with it being a waste to use two defensive abilities at the same turn), but the emperor used two defensive orders. It lead me to think that the emperor isn’t an active/domineering player or not one with expertise.

Also the emperor clearly knew Squid was town leader when Sam claimed to have skipped that. It gives me a slightly push on for you to be scum, because you were deeply engaged on that.

Uh what

By this logic, this logic is wrong just this part

Oh hello datbird.

Enjoy lurking?

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No I just caught up

Twinge of frustration from this post


Oh, so the lurker had come in just to get all defensive? :wink:

/vote darbird

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Journey of 2k vote count:

Voted Voters Number
Zone Solic, Frostwolf103 2
Firekitten Zone_Q11 1
Icibalus TeenierTub 1
Geyde GamerPoke 1
MaximusPrime NinjaPenguin 1
Datbird Mercenary 1
Sam17z Margaret, PoisonedSquid 2
Mercenary Firekitten, Orangeandblack5, Soulshade55r, Sam17z, Luxy, Icibalus, Geyde, Frostwolf103 9
Not voting MaximusPrime, DatBird 2

BTW we’re now set until we hit 50,000 posts.

Everybody send @í42-Xblade a nice thank you! :smile:

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Don’t instavote merc

We will hit hammer

Would be a shame if it went to 50.000 wouldn’t it

Is majority even enabled?

massping dylan, everyone

Hammers not enabled it’s always plurality