[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

You’ve been advocating for shots on Max and Soul lmao

Go sleep it off

I’m guessing it’s due to the possibility that Solic could be immune to ITAs

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I’m really glad Solic was revealed

Like you know when you have death once and you want it more

I got a lot of it Yesterday
I want more people dead lol

Otherwise people would be shooting me thanks to Bird

Smart strategy for scum right there

Yeah, I want to shoot Solic too, but he could be immune after all and I don’t want to waste a shot

I’ma need to add it to my playbook

Shoot Celeste/Sam/DatBird tbh

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Shoot him anyway Or shoot someone in the Poe

PoE for sure


What the hell is the PoE for you if not that lmao

Am I missing somebody?

Don’t try and add Tub in there :roll_eyes:

the wine is strong

I mean, I don’t like Sam and his surprising obedience on Orange’s command to shoot Celeste, so he’s on the shoot list for me

Shoot anyone who orange didn’t say to shoot

He was taking that shot either way?

I was shooting celeste anyways, orange’s command had nothing to do with it