[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Hard agree

If you can end him with a dayvig do so

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As well people will stop shooting at him

@Solic you will die when eevee sees my action.
Want to tell us your abilities/your role while we wait ?

@MaximusPrime are you here

Solic,I know you are here,last words?

he’s in anti spew mode

You aren’t getting any

I wanted to exchange info to kill him,too bad

kill him


I can’t,I wish I could

Wtf would you say you can then



To try and get him to talk(a bad idea I know)

Orange tell teener to fire a shot at one of the confirmed scums in the leaders

We’re waiting to see what they say

Orange,what is your flavor to be a JOAT?

Wrong bit to be asking about flavor lmao

At this point it would be obvious if scum has flavorvig

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i am now…

Max,of luxy/squid/soul Who is scummier?