[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

Isn’t it ironic that I feel very vengeful even though vengeance is what got me into this position in the first place. :thinking:

I feel like I haven’t contributed enough to the thread, so my towniness might not be immediately apparent. Don’t worry about that. Your favourite Reaper will be here, all, day, long. :eyes:

Oh god, I want a refund

You mean @.Reaper


I just want to deliver a proper eulogy for all those poor Gallians that will soon meet their demise. They fought valiantly, but in the end the right of the strongest is what makes the world spin. The federation can be my ally. We have strength in numbers comrades. Oust your false brethren and join me in the path to a new world!

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No liking posts while dead for future reference @Zone_Q11

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Does one brave Gallian dare to be a hero, gamble with their life and pull the trigger against the Reaper eliminating the threat? :thinking:

Obviously not, as all Gallians are cowards at heart. They see one comrade bite the dust and run in terror asking the federation for help. How… should I put it… pathetic.

Is this some kind of delicious karma for my riot against quicklynching? :thinking:

Just pardon me folks. You know I will eventually charm you into it, so might as well give in now.

You know I kind of commited a personal sin. I had an order-like ability and I did not use it on Firekitten N1.

Is that why the universe is making this lynch drawn out? What do you want from me god? :eyes:



Not hiding behind anyone tbh. I just refuse to claim. You can make all the inferences you want. I am just not claiming because it isn’t necessary

If someone gives a legit reason why me claiming will benefit town and I agree. Then, I will claim

Because if I don’t waste a shot on you I might hit scum instead duh

We’ve already shot you 2/3 times

Then if you think I am scum shoot me otherwise, I feel like it’s a very minor reason for me to claim

Why would you want to waste that shot as Town?

Keep in mind Teenier’s follows, so that’s actually 2

I mean you have to make the most educated desicion with the information at hand, and if me claiming is the only thing to prevent getting shot then I rather take my chances

It’s either you die to my shot or I guess you.

Do you really wanna play that game?