[FM] Valkyria Chronicles - Game Thread - GAME END - Empire & Journalist victory!

So who is voting me now exactly? :thinking:


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10/10 town right there

Solic who are you flavor-wise plz

It was a scum-lead wagon

did scum win or koss

I still did better in that game then you.

I was the reason for only scum lynch in that game, lul.

They won

10/10 town right there

I saved a life and pushed two scum pretty hard

Eat me

Lynching > Pushing

“Heed my words and know victory… Loose your fire, men! Annihilate Our enemies!”

Good game, quite easy. :smile:

Saving a kill and pushing tho

Holy shit no way

What’s that

Ooh ooh I got a song for this

One sec


You can shatter their dreams now. :smiley:

no they can’t

also who’s it
